She looked away from him and couldn't meet his eyes. He had thought that was the reason. He would need to regularly make sure that she wasn't feeling guilty about anything. Help her let go of all that stress .
“You shouldn't feel guilty about his actions. Nothing you did was going to make him not do this. He was bound to break at some point,” Mac said. “But if you do feel guilty, then it's okay. I can give you a spanking and all will be forgiven.”
She finally looked into his eyes and nodded her head. “I do. I tried telling myself that I shouldn't but I do. I keep thinking of things I could have done to make it better.”
“There was nothing. Now, let's get this spanking going so you don't feel guilty anymore.”
Janie slowly got off of his lap and he watched her as she pulled down her diaper. He was surprised that she went ahead and did that. He had figured he was going to have to remind her to do it.
“Over Daddy's lap,” he said.
She slowly positioned herself over his lap. Janie was stiff as a board. Probably from all of the tension and guilt running through her.
Mac gently placed his hand on her bottom and slowly started to rub in circular motion. “I want you to know that if you ever need a spanking to release your emotion, you can let me know. And if you ever feel guilty about something, let me know and we'll work through it.”
She nodded her head and laid it on the couch. He didn't think it was going to take many spankings for her to release the emotions and the guilt. She was wound up tight.
“Are you ready?” He asked.
She gave a small grunt, but nothing else. She was probably thinking about Donald and if she could have done anything different. Mac needed to get her mind off of that.
He lifted his hand off of her bottom and watched as her whole body stiffened even more. He waited and waited until she finally started to relax some before his hand landed on her bottom. Janie yelped as the pain spread across her bottom.
Mac didn’t give her time to think about anything. His hand peppered her bottom with several swats all over her bottom. He made sure to hit her sit spot several times.
“Daddy!” She yelled.
“Almost done,” he said.
It went on for several more minutes before Janie’s body finally went slump over his legs. He carefully moved her body so she was sitting on his lap.
“You’re okay,” he whispered as he ran his hand up and down her back. “All is forgiven.”
She continued to cry in his arms as he held her. He would hold her for as long as she needed him too. After care was one of his favorite parts. He did like dishing out punishments but there was just something special about aftercare. Being able to hold her close to him, comforting her when she needed it most. It made him feel wanted and special. Mac had no clue if she knew that or not.
Janie slowly started to relax in his arms, her crying quieting. He continued to hold her close as he swayed his upper body back and forth.
“You’re okay,” he whispered.
Janie pulled back and gave him a smile. “Thank you,” she whispered. Eleanor started to cry, making Janie jump. “I’ll go check on her.”
“Why don’t you bring her down here. Your sister should be here soon,” Mac said.
Janie gave him a puzzled look, opened her mouth ready to say something but closed it once Eleanor started to cry again.
“Let’s put your diaper and pants back on real quick,” Daddy said as he helped her back into the diaper and pants. “Then you can go get her. I’ll explain it when you come down.”
She nodded her head and left the room. It didn’t take Janie long to get Eleanor and come back to the room. Mac didn’t suspect it would since he had said her sister was coming over.
“Why is my sister coming over?” Janie asked as she sat down on the couch next to him. She winced as her bottom made contact with the couch.
“Because she is going to take Eleanor for the night,” Mac said. “I have a night planned just for us.”
Her mouth fell open. “What is it?” she asked.
“It’s a surprise.”