Janie struck her shoulders. “I don't think he's fully grasped what I'm trying to do.”
“You better hope that he never does. And you better stop,” Charlotte said.
“It doesn't matter that you have a kid, baggage, or an ex-husband. Mac still wants you for you. Has he said anything?” Monroe asked.
“He said that he wants me and Eleanor. He told me the other night that he wants me to think about it and I said I would,” Janie said. “But I already know my answer. It's just not going to work.”
Charlotte handed Eleanor back to her. “I think you should really think about it before you say no. You always had a slight crush on him.”
Janie looked down at Eleanor. “What if he doesn't want Eleanor in a couple of years? What if he starts to hate her because she's not blood related?”
“Mac wouldn't do that. And the fact that you're questioning it isn’t good. He would do anything for you two and it's not going to change in a couple of years,” Monroe said.
Janie nodded her head. She knew that, but she needed to think about those questions.
“Ask him,” Echo said. “You need to communicate with him. Tell him you're worried so that he can answer them and try and help you work through it.”
“I have to agree with Echo on this one,” Hedda said.
“Okay,” Janie replied.
“Well, I need to go back to my Daddy,” Charlotte said. “I'll talk to you guys later. We definitely need to do this again and soon.”
Everyone got up from their chairs and said goodbye. Janie held Eleanor in her arms as she walked towards Mac’s office. She knocked on the door as she stood in front of his office. Janie had no clue if he was talking to someone or in a meeting and she didn't want to interrupt.
“Come in,” he called out.
She slipped into the office. Mac was sitting behind his desk, working on his computer. She took a couple seconds to appreciate how he looked. He was hot and she was definitely getting turned on. The things he could do to her on the desk.
She shook her head and walked further in. She did not need to be thinking about that right now. Especially when she wasn't committed to him yet. Not that she was going to be.
Mac looked up from his computer and gave her a big smile. “I bought some toys for both of you to play with.”
She looked down at the space in front of his desk and realized that there were several toys. He definitely didn't need to do that, but he had. She was going to miss that.
“How did the talk with the girls go?” Mac asked as she said Eleanor on the ground.
“It wasn't good. Just caught up on some things. We said we were going to do it again sometime soon,” Janie replied.
“I'm glad you have them to talk to. If you ever need me to watch Eleanor when you hang out with them, you let me know.”
She nodded her head and sat down on the couch. She was tired.
“I'm going to be another hour before I can leave,” Mac said. “If you need a snack or something to drink, both of you, you let me know and I'll get you something.”
“Okay, thank you,” she said as she relaxed on the couch.
Janie didn't realize how exhausting it was to talk about everything with the girls. She had kept it to herself so long that it had made her tired.
“Relax while I work. I'll watch over Eleanor,” Mac said.
She nodded her head and closed her eyes. She knew Eleanor was in good hands. He had watched over both of them several times. Right as she was about to fall asleep, her phone went off. Picking it up, her breath got stuck in her throat as she read it.
You little slut. Still hanging around the neighbor.