“Have you talked to Finn about that?” Janie asked. She was trying to keep the conversation off of her for so long as she could. Maybe then the girls would forget and she wouldn't have to talk about it.

“I was thinking about bringing it up today. I've been thinking about it and I would love to have kids with him.”

“Now, back to the subject. Janie, what's going on?” Echo asked.

Janie sighed and got comfortable in her chair. Leave it to Echo to remember what they were talking about before. She was one of the few people that would remember and keep everybody on track.

“Well, you guys know that I was married before and I'm divorced. I don't think any of you have met Donald, my ex-husband, but he had come by a while ago saying he wanted to get back with me. I told him no and that I didn't want to but he wouldn't leave and Mac heard so he came over and helped get rid of him,” Janie said. “He then was texting me saying that he wanted to get back with me and I replied with that I didn't. I really don't. I don't know what I saw in him in the beginning.”

“I've heard about him and I really don't know what you saw in him,” Echo replied. “If I did ever meet him though, I would punch him in the face for cheating on you. That's not righteven if you guys weren't in love, that's not right. You two were together and were having a kid.”

“A kid he didn't want,” Janie mumbled. “Anyways, so then a lawyer came by soon after and said that the house was in his name. I had no clue because the lawyer I had during the divorce didn't say anything. I have been living in my ex-husband's house without my knowledge for the past year. And he told me that I had three days to move out.”

Gasps fell across the room.

“He did not,” Charlotte said.

“Are you serious?” Monroe yelled.

“He's a douche,” Echo said.

“If he comes near you again, I'll kill him,” Hedda said.

Janie’s heart warmed at their words. She couldn't remember a time when a group of girls had her back for things. Sure, her authors did but they didn't know each other in person. It was all online and they couldn't do anything.

“So, what happened next?” Echo asked.

“Mac told me I was moving in with him until I found some place permanent,” Janie said. “I tried to fight him on that but he wouldn't allow it. He didn't want me to live in a hotel with Eleanor or a motel. I've still tried to fight it but he had three extra rooms and he wasn't giving up. Mac is very stubborn.”

“I thought you already knew that?” Charlotte said. “All the Dom's here are stubborn. When they set their eyes on something, there's no getting them off of that.”

“Until you find someplace permanent?” Monroe said.

“Yeah. I'm looking into renting or buying something but I wanted to be long term. I don't want it to just be something I have for a year before I move again.”

“Looks like you've already found your permanent place,” Hedda said.

Janie looked over at Hedda and shook her head. “Us living with Mac is not going to be permanent.”

“Keep telling yourself that.”

She shook her head again and looked back at the other girls. “We won't be staying with Mac permanently. We don't mix well together.”

“That's a bunch of bull,” Charlotte said. “Mac loves you and we can tell that you love him. Your daughter loves him and I definitely know that he loves your daughter. The way he was looking at you too before he walked to his office.”

“I have to agree with Charlotte on this one. Both of you were made for each other. Why are you fighting it?” Monroe asked.

Janie stared at them for a couple of seconds. How did they not see what was wrong? How do they not see that they weren't made for each other?

“I want to hear what you have to say. We all can tell that you two belong to each other. Why do you think you don't?” Echo asked.

“Well, first off I have a daughter. Who wants to be a father figure to a kid that's not theirs?”

“Mac does,”Charlotte replied.

“No. I also have baggage and I have an ex-husband. It's just a lot and I know I'm not the right person for Mac, no matter how I feel or how he feels. I've been subtly trying to tell him that he should move on and find somebody else.”

Hedda snorted. “You did what? I remember doing that to my Daddies and it did not end well. How did he respond?”