But that’s okay. I’ll still take you back. Only if you get rid of the brat and do some groveling.
“Is everything okay?” Mac asked.
She quickly deleted the notification and looked up at him. Everything was not okay. Janie had thought that he was done sending her text messages, but she was wrong.
“Everything is okay,” she whispered. “Just got a notification from one of my authors.” It was a lie and she knew it was going to start eating her up but she couldn't let him know. Mac didn't need all of her baggage.
“Well, you get some rest. I'll watch over both of you,” he said.
She closed her eyes and felt herself slowly falling asleep.
They were currently sitting in Mac’s office the next day. People were still over at her house, taking things out. It was stressing her out and Mac didn't want that for her. So they decided to bring work to his office.
It was a nice office and Mac had set up a little table for her. It was cute and very thoughtful of him. Something he didn't need to do but he had. When had a guy ever done that for her? Donald definitely didn't.
They were also at the club because Mac didn't want them home alone. She didn't understand but they had argued for several minutes before she gave in. He needed to go to work and said that if she was staying then he would try and work from home. It hadn't made her feel good so she sucked it up and now they're here.
Janie didn't have her full setup. Normally she had her computer, a monitor, notebooks, and several other things but she was making do with just her computer and a notebook. It wasn't the end of the world and this wasn't going to be her new setup. It was temporary and that was what she had to keep reminding herself of.
“Is everything okay?” Mac asked.
She looked at him and gave him a smile. She had zoned out yet again. Janie didn't know how many times she was going to do that today.
“Everything is fine,” she whispered. “Was just thinking.” Janie looked down at Eleanor playing with the toys he had set out for her. She was jealous. While she loved working, she also wanted to play and it seemed like recently she didn't have the time to play as much anymore.
“Do you need to take a nap? Are you tired? Did you sleep well last night?” He asked.
As much as she wanted to have his arms wrapped around her throughout the night, she had decided to sleep in her own bed. It was tempting when he asked her again if she wanted to sleep in his bed with him. She so badly wanted to say yes but she knew that they weren't going to get together and she didn't want to get attached. She didn't want to have a great night of sleep in his arms only to not have it anymore.
That would be torture.
“I don't need a nap. I'm not tired and I slept okay last night,” she replied.
“Hmmm, we'll see in a couple hours if you need a nap. You are looking a little tired right now but I know you have work to do,” he said.
She huffed and rolled her eyes. Him and naps. He always wanted her and Eleanor to take a nap and she didn't understand why. Sure, she always put Eleanor down for a nap but she didn't need a nap.
Janie looked down at Eleanor playing on the carpet again. She was so calm and entranced in what she was doing. Janie wished she could do that right now with editing. She was a little behind but nothing but some hard work couldn't get her caught up.
She looked back at her computer screen and tried to start editing again. But her mind wasn't on that. It was on the fact that Mac had started to step up. He had taken them in when they didn't have a house anymore and he had been taking care of both of them. Maybe it was changing her mind a little about wanting to be with him but she needed to remind herself that it couldn't happen.
Mac needed someone that could be there for him and not have any distractions. She had several distractions. Well, she wouldn't call all of them distractions but she had other priorities. Eleanor was one of her priorities and she wasn't giving Ellie up. She also had work and while it didn't take up most of her time, it did take up some of it.
If they got together, would he want her to quit? He had mentioned several times that he knew she didn't need his money and he was right. Not having a house payment had allowed her to save up a lot of money. She had a nice savings account.
Janie still hadn't said anything to Mac about her choice. While she knew that she needed to say no, part of her still wanted to think about it and see if there was anything she could do to make it work. But it all came back to Eleanor and if he would want her in a couple of years. Would he start to resent her?
There is no real way to ask him that. Because he could say that he wouldn't resent her but lie. She didn't want to put herself in that situation because every time she would choose her daughter. Even if it meant her heart breaking at the same time.
Janie sighed and closed her eyes for a second. She needed to stop thinking about this and get back to work. But it was hard when the man she was thinking of was sitting a couple feet away from her.
“What are you thinking?” Mac asked.
She looked over at him to see him leaning against his desk. Janie licked her lips as she thought about her fantasy coming true in the office. It had always been one of her fantasies but Donald definitely wasn't up for it. One time she had hinted at wanting to do something different than just missionary and he did not like that at all. He was vanilla and always hated when she brought anything up about the club or trying new things.