“C-could he w-want to kill m-me s-since I know t-things?” she stuttered out.

She had overheard Jared talk countless times about business he had done. She may not have known the people he was talking about, but she could remember specifics about certain things. They were all horrific and she didn't want to think about them.

Jared was a crooked man and the things he had done could land a lot of people in jail and get others out. He had put a lot of people, innocent people, in jail while the real bad guys had gone free. There were so many people Jared had in his pocket.

He had always wanted to be prepared for anything that happened. This time, though, it appeared he had missed something. She just didn't understand how this mysterious person could have killed him. It seemed weird that the person got a clean shot to Jared's head.

“We're going to make sure he doesn't kill you in case that's what he’s planning. But for some reason, I don't think that's his motive. It doesn't make sense. He would have killed you on site if he wanted you dead, but he spared you,” Ezra said.

She hadn't thought about it that way. Well, she hadn't thought about it much at all. It rattled her not knowing who this person was and why he was after her. It just didn't make sense.

“Did he sound familiar?” Ezra asked.

“No,” she whispered. “I remember not recognizing his voice at the moment and it still doesn't seem familiar. I've never met this person in my life.”

“Could it have been a delivery person or someone you had briefly talked to years ago?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No. Jared made me stay secluded when I was with him. I wasn't able or allowed to talk to anybody he didn't want me to. Which was basically everyone. The only person I was allowed to talk to was him and that wasn't even a lot.”

“What a bastard,” he muttered.

He could say that again. Jared wasn't a nice person. He got off on power and made sure that everyone was below him. He had told her that on multiple occasions and then proceeded to put her in her place.

Monroe was worried this person was going to take her and torture her. Ezra had a point earlier that if he wanted to kill her, he would have done it in the car, but he didn't. Her only other thought was he planned to torture her to get information she knew about Jared. She wouldn't last long if that happened. Her pain tolerance was low and she would end up spilling everything she knew.

“Don't worry. Ezra and the people he knows are going to take care of it. You're safe,” Daddy said.

“He's right. Try not to worry. I'm going to call my guys now and they're going to be patrolling around the area,” Ezra said. “We're going to find him before he can hurt you.”

It didn't make Monroe feel any better. None of them knew who this person was. This mysterious guy had the advantage over them because he knew her, but she didn't have a clue who he was.

“Let’s get you to bed,” Daddy said, shaking the baby bottle in his hand.

Her face turned bright red. She knew Ezra was a Daddy as well, but that didn’t matter. She was still embarrassed by the fact he saw she was about to drink a bottle.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he said. “I’ve taken care of many Littles.”

That still didn’t help. Daddy and Charlotte were the only ones that had fed her and seen her true Little side. It was foreign for her to show anyone and at times, she felt embarrassed and shy about it.

A phone pinged, bringing all their attention to the phone in Ezra’s hand.

Looking down, he shook his head. “Not mine.”

Monroe turned hers on and saw a text from a random phone number. Fear filled her body. The mysterious man had told her he was going to contact her soon. She opened the message and a gasp left her mouth.

You shouldn’t be awake this early. - M

Her head whipped back and forth but none of the blinds were open. How did he know she wasn’t asleep?

Daddy snatched the phone out of her hand just as another text came through. Worry gnawed at her stomach. What could he possibly want? Why was he texting her?

“He wants to meet,” Daddy said.

“Let me get Antonio to look into who owns the phone number he’s texting from. See if we can’t get any information on this guy,” Ezra said.

Daddy pulled her into his embrace as Ezra called someone.

“It’s going to be okay. Antonio will find information on him. We’ll keep you safe,” he murmured into her ear.