She hoped he was right about that.



The look on Ezra’s face as he walked back into the room didn’t make Monroe feel good at all. Her first thought was something was really wrong.

She gripped onto her Daddy’s shirt tighter, trying to find some security and comfort. She felt like she was under water, drowning with all the bad. Things had happened to her and were continuing to happen.

Her chest was tight, like an elephant was sitting on it, as she waited for Ezra to tell them what he heard.

“Do you know a Miles Johnson?” he asked.

Monroe wracked her brain, trying to remember a person with that name but couldn’t. The name sounded bland and she tried to remember anyone like that.

“No, I don’t recognize the name,” she whispered, feeling defeated.

Why was this Miles Johnson after her?

“Dang,” Ezra muttered as he ran a hand down his face.

“What’s wrong? Who is he?” Daddy asked.

“We were hoping Monroe could tell us that. Antonio searched and searched but couldn’t find anything besides his full name.”

“Nothing?” she asked. “Not where he lives or anything?”

“It’s like he doesn’t exist. Antonio searched everywhere and even asked one of his contacts and the person said he’d never heard of Miles.” Ezra leaned up against the kitchen counter.

Monroe didn’t like that one bit. It made her feel even more uneasy because no one knew how dangerous this person was. He could be a serial killer or an assassin for all she knew.

Who could Miles Johnson be? Why wasn’t there any information on him?

“Whoever this person is didn’t like that we looked at Monroe’s phone. I don’t know how, but he has eyes everywhere,” Ezra said.

The blood drained from her face as she leaned into her Daddy’s embrace. She didn’t like the sound of that. She’d already felt that way when he had texted her she shouldn’t be up. Were there cameras in the house?

“I’ve scanned the house for cameras and couldn’t find any. I don’t know how he’s doing this, but he’s good. Whoever he is,” Ezra continued to talk.

Feeling lightheaded and weak, Monroe let her Daddy hold even more of her weight. She felt sick to her stomach.

“Shhh,” Daddy said as he ran his hand through her hair. “You’re okay.”

“Shit,” Ezra said. “Ah, sorry. Didn’t mean to curse. Sorry for saying that in front of you. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

She gave him a small smile as he tripped over his words. She hadn’t met too many people who did that and she found it kind of endearing.

“What do you mean he wasn’t happy you took the phone?” Daddy asked.

“Exactly that. He sent texts as if he knew I had taken it, telling me to give it back to Monroe. He also demanded she meet him at an ice cream place out in public,” Ezra explained before he looked down at her. “He texted saying you could bring your Daddy.”

Her face flushed. This Miles guy knew she had a Daddy. It was like he knew her whole life and she didn’t even know who this person was.

“The fact he knows you have a Daddy and wants to meet in a very public place makes it a little better. I don’t think he would kill you in public,” Ezra said.

That didn’t make her feel any better. He could hold a gun under the table and tell them they had to leave with him and then he would kill them. There was no way she was going to meet up with him.

“He also mentioned that if you don’t go to the ice cream place he’ll be coming here,” Ezra added.