Something was missing from the equation and she didn't know what it was. He had been after her, driven into their car and made them crash, but then turned up dead with a bullet wound. How did that happen? There had to be another person involved, but she didn’t know who it could be.
Daddy had asked her if she remembered the footsteps that were near her, but her mind drew a blank. It was like it was trying to protect her from reliving everything and she didn't know if she was thankful or not. She had been stressing over trying to remember the footsteps that Daddy was talking about.
Ezra couldn't answer any of the questions because he had been passed out. In this one instance, she wished he had been the one to be awake and she was the one passed out. Maybe he would have remembered something if he had been awake.
“Everything's going to be alright,” he whispered. “Do you want a warm bottle of milk?”
“Please,” she whispered.
The first night she had the nightmare, she couldn't calm down. No matter what Daddy had done, she had been shaking like a leaf on a windy day. That was when he had suggested her drinking warm milk and to give it a try.
That night he had brought in a bottle, held her as she suckled on it, and the rest had been history. Every single time she woke up from a nightmare, he would ask her if she wanted a bottle and each time, she said yes. It seemed to be the magical thing that put her back to sleep.
She thought it was the combination of the warm milk and Daddy holding her. He held her tightly against himself as he fed her, and she felt safe and secure.
Daddy got up from the bed and walked out of the room. Monroe hated the time it took for him to get the drink and return to her in the room. Well, she didn't have to stay in the room, but she never got out of bed and he never took her with him.
She moved around the bed, laying on her back so her head hung off. Normally, she snuggled into the sheets as she waited for Daddy to come back with the bottle but this time, she felt like doing something different.
She closed her eyes and relaxed into the bed. A sudden familiar feeling fell over Monroe, bringing back memories she thought she would never remember.
Gasping, she shot up from the bed, grabbed her phone, and ran out of the room toward the kitchen. She needed to tell Daddy what she remembered.
Panic had set into her bones the closer she got. They were in trouble. She didn't know who this man was, but the way he spoke to her reminded her that he was bad.
“Little Bunny?” Daddy called out. “What's wrong?”
“I remember!” she yelled. “The footsteps!”
She huffed and puffed as she came to a stop in front of the kitchen. Daddy's eyes were wide as he looked at her.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“The footsteps you were talking about. I remember them,” she said. “The person talked to me.”
His eyebrows shot up at the mention of the mysterious person.
“What did he say?”
“He said something about Jared being taken care of, but that he's going to contact me,” she whispered.
It finally truly sank in that this mysterious person was going to contact her. Who was this person? He was obviously dangerous if he was the one that had shot Jared.
“You stay right here. I'm going to go wake up Ezra,” he said and left the room.
Ezra was supposed to have left two days ago, but the doctor told him he might have a small concussion and they didn't want him to fly. She kind of felt bad for him because he was stuck here. He wasn't on duty to guard her, so he wasn't doing much.
She thought he would have felt more comfortable in his own home, but he couldn’t be there. Ezra had thought about driving but didn’t want to risk anything happening and making his injury worse.
Monroe sat down on one of the chairs and gripped her hands together. They were shaking and she was trying to stop it, but thinking about the man only made it worse.
She had never seen his face. He had made sure her call with her Daddy was turned off before he even spoke. This man knew what he was doing and it scared her. He knew who she was and might know where she lived.
Who was he? Had he been following her the past couple of days? Did he know a lot about her? It was almost more frightening than having Jared after her - at least then, she’d known who to be scared of.
“Little Bunny. Can you tell Ezra what you just told me?” Daddy asked.
She took a deep breath and reiterated what she had told her Daddy. It wasn't much to go on. The only thing they knew was that another person was possibly after her.