Monroe gasped for a breath of air as she woke up. Where was she? Why was she laying on a couch? How did she get here?
Those were the first things she thought of when she woke up. After years of being with Jared, she always woke up like that. In a panic and asking herself where she was and how she got here. She couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t have to think about that.
It had taken her way too long to realize she needed to get away from Jared. He had already stuck his talons deep into her and controlled every aspect of her life, making her blind to everything he was doing to her.
Well, until it got so bad it opened her eyes and made her realize she needed to get far away from him. It hadn’t been easy escaping and she definitely wasn’t in the clear, but she’d gotten away for now.
Her eyes opened wide and she sat up straight. Wherever she was, she needed to leave. Monroe looked around the house. It wasn’t Jared’s house, so where could she be?
Inside Jared’s house everything was white or grey, but this house had pops of color throughout. There were picture frames on the wall but she couldn’t make out what they were. The walls were a muted shade of blue and everything was clean, almost like the person spent hours cleaning every day.
She swung her legs off the couch and attempted to stand up.
“Lay down,” a male voice said. “You’re okay.”
Her whole body went rigid and she moved her head around to try and find the person. Standing behind the couch off in the distance was the man who had stood outside her car door.
Everything came rushing back to Monroe. She had been driving for hours and hours, not stopping long enough to get much sleep. She had to continue so she didn’t get caught.
And now shewascaught.
How could she have been so foolish to have stopped in front of someone’s house? She didn’t think she was going to be stopped there for a while, but she’d lost track of time trying to figure out what she was going to do next.
She didn’t have a lot of money and she was low on gas. Monroe needed to find out where the nearest gas station was so she could get money and then be on her way.
That’s what she needed to do. Now she just had to get away from this man. The man who could have called Jared by now. He could be on his way right this minute.
The man who had stood outside of her car tried to calm her down. No doubt all a ploy to get her to calm down so she would be able to see Jared’s face when he found her.
What was she going to do? He was obviously stronger than she was and no doubt faster than her. He could probably manhandle her, get her to do anything and everything he wanted her to do.
He had gotten her out of her car and touched her. He’d brought her into his house. His house where he could do anything to her if he wanted. How long had she been out for?
Monroe’s breathing picked up as she stared at the man walking in front of her. How was she going to get away from him? She didn’t know the layout of the house and he did.
He had so many advantages and she didn’t have any.
“It’s okay. You’re safe,” he gently said again. “I’m Michael Grayson and you’re safe in my house.”
The doorbell went off again, making Monroe jump off the couch. Her eyes were wide as she stared at the man.
How long had she been out? Was Jared here? Was he going to take her back to Maine?
Not even five seconds later, Monroe started to see black dots in her vision as she swayed back and forth.
“Woah,” the man said.
He rushed toward her, making Monroe stumble back and fall onto the couch again.
“Please, don’t,” she whispered hoarsely.
Her breathing picked up as she tried to get far away from the man, but the dizziness hindered her from moving too fast.