Michael got on his knees and gave her a small smile. “You’re okay and safe now. No one is going to hurt you.”
She shook her head and pressed herself further into the couch. She was never going to be safe, not if Jared was alive. He would always find her, no matter what.
The doorbell rang for a third time and Monroe whimpered.
“I need to go get the clothes for you from my friend, but I’ll be right back. Please don’t move,” his voice was stern, and Monroe found herself watching him as he walked toward the front door.
The way he spoke was just like a Daddy Dom. His stern voice silently commanded her to obey him. She hadn't had someone talk to her like that before and it did something to her.
Monroe had always craved that. She knew he was just trying to look out for her, or, well, it seemed like it. She wouldn't know for sure because she didn’t know him, and he could know Jared…though none of Jared’s friends would have spoken to her so gently.
She heard Michael talking and then another man's voice. She slightly relaxed into the couch when she realized the voice wasn't Jared's. But who could it be?
He had said he was getting clothes from the man. Why did he ask for clothes for her? Was he planning on keeping her for a while? Was this going to be another Jared situation?
How could she possibly get out of this? She knew if she tried to get up again, she could pass out. She had felt so dizzy when she stood up and Monroe didn’t want to risk it right now when she didn’t know her way around the house.
What if she passed out in the middle of the house and he took her somewhere else? She couldn’t let that happen. What if he tied her up, called Jared, and kept her until he came?
Just as Monroe was about to get up from the couch, she heard the door close and Michael’s footsteps. Maybe she could ask to use the restroom and slip out then.
She had to get out of here and go somewhere else. She could get away and then think about things. Would she be able to get far enough away for Michael not to follow her?
He had a car and no doubt if he wanted to keep her there for Jared to come get her he would just follow her. Try to keep her safe until Jared could come get her.
“As you know, my name is Michael and I’m a doctor who works in a free clinic and also owns a club with seven other guys. I want to be upfront and not keep anything from you. I’m worried about all your bruises and cuts on your body,” he said as he took several steps toward her.
A doctor? Jared never mentioned having friends who were doctors. Was he going to stitch her up and put her back together for whenever Jared got back here?
But Jared had many friends she probably didn’t know about. All in different occupations for different occasions. It was a win-win situation for him. He could help them out and they would help him in return.
It was cruel and sick, but that’s how he did things. She never saw any of his ‘friends’, if she could call them that, because he couldn’t put them at risk. One wrong move and it wouldn’t end well for any of them.
Monroe pushed herself against the couch, trying to put more distance between them. She was cornered and couldn’t move fast enough. No doubt she would pass out if she even tried to move quickly.
Her head was swimming and she was nauseous just sitting down.
“I’ve got clothes for you to change into. You can head into the bathroom just down the hall and change,” he said. “Well, I would walk with you in case you passed out. I don’t want you to hit your head and make anything worse.”
Monroe couldn’t wrap her head around any of this. Why was he telling her to go change? Why did he have clothes for her? Why was he worried for her? Why did he care? He wasn’t supposed to care.
No one was supposed to care for her. She was a nobody.
The only thing she could think about to make it logical was he wanted to hurt her later on. Gain her trust so she relaxed. Monroe couldn’t think of any other reason why he would be nice to her.
Maybe she could change into the clothes and while he was busy doing something, she could slip out of the house and into her car. Were her keys still in the car or did he take them?
Monroe didn’t have time to think about that or find out where they were. If they weren’t in her car, then she would just have to walk and get away. There were trees around the neighborhood she could hide behind if he was trying to find her.
“Here are the clothes. You can take a shower if you’re feeling up to it, but it can’t be too hot. I’m worried you might have a concussion and I don’t want you passing out in the bathroom. You can also take a bath, but it can’t be deep water in case you slip,” he went on and explained.
Monroe blinked several times as she stared at him. He was worried that she was too hurt to take a shower or bath? Something didn’t add up here and it made her feel uneasy.
“I know I just told you a lot, but I want you to be safe and not get hurt anymore,” he said. “So, I may need to help you do things.”
She slightly shook her head. Monroe didn’t want any help right now. She wanted to get out of here and far away from him and Jared.
Michael was being too nice to her. No one was this nice who didn’t want anything in return for it.