Michael was quick to pull up her pants before he took a look under her shirt to see if there was anything that needed to be looked at right away. He needed to keep his clinical detachment while he looked closely at all the bruises to make sure there weren’t any that were too bad. Her stomach was particularly bad, and it took everything in him to stop from pressing on them gently. She needed to be awake for that so he didn’t hurt her too much.
All he wanted to do was ask her questions when she woke up. He knew he wouldn’t be able to, but the Daddy inside him was screaming to take care of her, protect her, and make her his.
Michael froze in his tracks. Shit. Did he really just think that? He hadn’t thought about having a Little in a long time, and just one look at her and all he wanted to do was make her his.
Getting up from the floor, he grabbed his phone off the coffee table and walked toward the kitchen. He needed supplies but didn’t want to leave her alone right now, and he knew once she woke up, he definitely wouldn’t be able to leave.
How was she going to react when she woke up? Would she scream again? Would she hide in a corner, have a panic attack, and pass out again? Would he be able to get through to her that he wouldn’t hurt her?
So many thoughts ran through his head as he scrolled through his phone to find Finn’s phone number. Finn had a Little girl about the same size and Michael needed some clothing for her. He knew the girl wouldn’t appreciate having to wear his clothes when she didn’t even know him.
Michael wasn’t prepared to have a Little in his house right now. He had gotten rid of a lot of things several years ago when he gave up hope on finding the perfect Little girl. Well, he got rid of all the essentials like bottles, diapers, and clothes, but the furniture was all still in the room, ready for a Little to use it.
He had thought about selling it so many times, but it came in handy when someone came over and had a Little. There was a place for them to nap and have a couple of toys to play with. Not that it happened a lot. Currently, only two of the other club owners had a Little and they didn’t come over often. Now there were two, but he didn’t think that would change unless this girl was a Little.
“Finn?” Michael spoke into the phone but kept his voice quiet in case she woke up.
“What’s up?” he asked.
“I’ve got a girl who’s been abused that stopped on my street. She passed out in her car as I was trying to calm her down. Would I be able to borrow some clothes, a bottle, and some diapers? Well, I don’t know if the clothes will fit but maybe one set of clothes to see.”
It was weird asking him for all this stuff, but Michael wanted to be prepared. He knew that her having a stuffed animal wasn’t much to say she was a Little, but he wanted to be prepared if she was. Not a lot of adults carried around a stuffed animal if they weren’t Littles or had kids.
He also didn’t know if she had any other clothes in her car and he didn’t want to leave right now when she was still passed out. She could wake up at any moment and he didn’t want her to be alone in a house she didn’t recognize.
What if she was a Little and he didn’t have anything? It was better to be prepared than to not be prepared.
“Uh, sure. Do I need to get someone to watch Charlotte?” Finn asked.
“No, you don’t. I promise that once I get her comfortable around me, I’ll give the stuff back,” Michael replied. “Well, obviously not the diapers if she uses them. And I may not even need all this stuff, I just want to be prepared.”
“You’re really making me curious, but I’ll wait until you can actually talk.”
“Thanks, man. I owe you one.”
“The stuff will be delivered to you soon.”
Hanging up the phone, Michael set it down on the counter and looked out to the living room where the girl still lay unconscious.
Why did she stop on the street? Did she know someone on his street? Who was she running from? Was the person still after her? How far had she driven?
So many questions and Michael didn’t have an answer to any of them. He didn’t know how to ask her when she woke up. Would she be calm when she woke up or would she be so scared that she passed out again?
Michael buried his head in his hands and took in several deep breaths. He didn’t know when she would wake up. It could be several hours or just a couple of minutes and he needed to be prepared for it.
A ping sounded off in the room and he looked at his phone. Mac, one of the other owners of BTS,had texted him.
I’m dropping off the clothes and other things for you. Should be there soon.
Michael wondered if it was because Charlotte needed Finn. Was she in Little space and not able to be left home alone? He had thought about calling Noah, one of the other owners who had a Little, but he didn’t want to bother him.
Noah wasn’t always approachable since he had met his Little several years ago. She needed a lot of care and attention and at this point couldn’t be left alone for long periods of time. Noah had mentioned she had an autoimmune disease that made her need more assistance than most. Michael didn’t want to bother Noah and take him away from her.
The first thing Michael knew he had to do when the girl finally woke up was keep her calm. He had no doubt she was going to be frightened and disoriented. She had been terrified when he walked up to her car. He knew that her waking up in his house, not knowing where she was, was probably going to make her want to bolt.
Standing up straight, Michael walked toward the living room. Should he cover her up with a blanket? She had a fever and he knew she might get chills but at the same time, he didn’t want her to get too hot.
Before he could do anything, though, the doorbell rang. At the same time, he heard a soft gasp.