“I'm sorry, Little Bunny. You can't come with me because these meetings are very important and I can't give you my full attention,” he said as he cupped her face and kissed her forehead. “I wish I could. I really do.”

“I could play in the big room!” she wailed.

“I need to know you'll be here, safe with Ezra. If I know you're down in the big room, I'm going to worry about you and if you have everything you need. Not that I’m not going to do that anyway, but having you in the big room will be a bigger temptation to go down and make sure you’re alright.”

Monroe continued to sob as he talked. She wasn't prepared for him to leave. He hadn't told her at all that he would have to go into work and leave her. Maybe she could have come to terms if she had been warned but waking up and several seconds later being told she couldn't go with him wasn't the way she thought it would go.

She didn't have a lot of time to process it. She knew he tried to pack all his meetings into one day so he didn't have to be away from her, but she didn't like not seeing him for a full day.

“Please, Daddy. Don't leave me,” she cried as she wrapped her arms around him.

Everything was getting too much for her and she felt like she was going to break any second. Nothing had gone her way lately and him leaving was the icing on top.

“I know it's going to be hard, but I believe you can do it. You're going to be such a good girl for Ezra while I'm gone. I'll be back before you even know it.” He hugged her back.

She knew it wasn't going to be like that. Anytime he had gone into work for his meeting days, it felt like the day just went by in slow motion. No matter how much she tried to occupy her mind, it wasn't enough. The time still went by slowly.

“But, Daddy,” she said, but before she could say anything else, he was talking again.

“No buts. Daddy has to go and you're going to be his good Little Bunny and stay here where I know you're safe with Ezra, and I'm going to come home at the end of the day. I promise I'm going to come home,” he told her. “He's going to make you breakfast and lunch while I'm gone. I expect you to eat all of it and if you aren't hungry, then you have to drink one of the protein shakes and have snacks throughout the day. He already knows this and is going to keep you accountable.”

She didn't like the sound of that. Ever since she found out Jared knew where she was, her appetite had almost disappeared. Daddy had been feeding her every meal because he was worried she wasn't going to eat anything.

It hadn't been a major concern of hers, but she knew it couldn't go on for much longer. Not that she wanted it to go on anyways. She couldn't help that when things were stressful, she wasn't hungry at all. It had been this way her whole life and she didn't think it was going to change.

“Promise me,” he said. “Promise you'll eat or you'll drink one of the shakes and have snacks.”

“I promise,” she whispered.

“Now, don't give Ezra any trouble. If you do, he has permission to put you in corner time or make you write lines. If you don't want that to happen, then you get to wait until I come home and you'll get a spanking instead. It's up to you.”

She didn't like that, either, but she also didn't see herself getting into much trouble today. She wasn't up to it and felt like she was just going to mope around for a little bit.

“I've got to go. You be my good Little Bunny.” He kissed her forehead.

Tears started to stream down her face again as she watched her Daddy walk out the front door. She didn't like this one bit.

“Would you like some breakfast now?” Ezra asked.

Monroe shook her head. She didn't have an appetite to eat anything right now.

“How about a shake and some fruit?” he suggested.

Monroe nodded her head. She knew he was going to continue to suggest things until she agreed on something and she didn't want him to have to call her Daddy right after he left. She didn't want to be a bad girl.

“How about you come sit at the kitchen island and you can ask me questions if you want,” Ezra said.

Monroe didn't know if she would have any questions, but ended up sitting down while he cut up fruit. He had placed her protein drink with a straw in it in front of her and she was quietly sipping on it.

“We haven't really talked much since I got here, and I feel like you're uncomfortable. So ask me questions and I can answer them,” Ezra said.

She remembered him saying he was a Daddy the other day. Maybe it could distract her for a little bit if she asked him some questions.

“Do you have a Little?” she asked.

“I don't have a Little right now, but I am talking to someone who is a Little,” he replied. “We've been talking for a little bit.”

“Why isn't she your Little yet?” she asked. “Sorry, that was rude of me.”