She was exhausted and didn't really have a filter right now. She needed to watch what she said because she didn't want to offend him.

“It's okay, no worries. She's still figuring out if she's a Little or not. She had never heard of it before until I had asked her and now she's doing some research. I'm giving her space as she figures it out,” he replied as he placed the fruit bowl in front of her. “I want this bowl finished before you go and do anything else.”

She grumbled under her breath as she placed the first piece of fruit in her mouth. She didn't like being told what to do, especially by people that weren't her Daddy, but she followed his instructions anyway.

She had made a promise to her Daddy that she would have snacks throughout the day, and she wanted to follow through.

Her stomach didn't clench as she ate the fruit and she wondered if it was because it was light. Anytime Daddy had tried to feed her heavy foods, her stomach would cramp and she wouldn't be able to eat a lot.

“Does that feel good on your stomach?” Ezra asked. “I know when my girl doesn't want to eat, light foods tend to help her. So chicken noodle soup or fruit and things like that.”

The thought of chicken noodle soup actually made her hungry. It sounded so good right now. Maybe she could have it for lunch or dinner.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I'll have to let your Daddy know. Though I suspect he already does.”

She looked at him confused. If he already knew then why was she still eating the same thing?

“He probably hasn't changed anything yet because he wants you to eat nutritious dense food. Chicken noodle soup and fruit, while they're okay, aren't packed with protein. And you need protein right now.”

That did make sense. When she had first started talking to Daddy when she got here, he had explained she needed foods that had protein in them because she was underweight. Maybe now since she had lost a tiny bit of weight, he was trying to get her some nutritious meals again.

She finished her fruit bowl and protein shake.

“Would you like to go outside and blow bubbles or color or something?” Ezra asked.

Monroe shook her head. “I think I'm going to go lay down on the couch,” she whispered.

She didn't really want to go play right now. She was sad and none of it sounded exciting The only thing that sounded good was laying on the couch and snuggling with Bunster and Mr. Wiggle.

“Okay. If you change your mind, I'll be here in the kitchen,” he said. “I was thinking we could have chicken noodle soup with a protein shake for lunch. Does that sound okay?”

Monroe nodded her head and got out of her seat. Walking toward the couch, she grabbed Bunster on the table and a blanket.

The thought of making a blanket fort passed through her mind but she wasn't very good at it and didn't want to ask. Daddy made the best blanket forts and being under one would only remind her he wasn't with her right now.

She laid down on the couch and held Bunster close to her chest.

“I'm sad, Bunster,” she whispered. She didn't want Ezra to hear what she said to Bunster.

Watching Bunster close, she listened to his response.

“I know he's coming back but that doesn't make any difference. He's still gone right now and I don't like it. I feel safer when he's around.” Tears formed in her eyes.

She blinked several times, trying to keep them away. She didn't want to be crying all day and if she started again, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop.

“I just wish he could have taken me. I would have been a good girl and he wouldn't have had to worry. Do you think he thought I wouldn't be a good girl?”

She nodded her head at Bunster's reply.

“You're right. He probably knew I would be a good girl but didn't want to risk it or what he said was right. He probably would have worried about me and have come down several times to see if I was okay.”

She didn't think much time had passed but when Ezra came into the living room and announced he was making lunch, it baffled her. A lot of time had already passed and she didn't even realize it. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

“Lunch is almost ready. Why don't you come in and sit where you ate breakfast,” Ezra announced.

Getting up from the couch, she held onto Bunster and grabbed her phone right as it dinged. She opened the text, expecting it to be from her Daddy, but screamed when she read it and realized it wasn't.