“It's okay. I believe you'll keep this a secret. We do quite a bit of search and rescue. We do them at a lower rate for people who don't have a lot of money and we find lost Littles who have run away from their Daddies or who have gotten lost and their Daddies can't find them. It's quite common, actually, and sometimes we charge, but a lot of times we don't because most of us are Daddies anyways and we want Littles to be safe.”

Michael stared at Ezra for a couple minutes, not knowing if he heard him right. Did he just say that most of them were Daddies?

“Yes, I did say that most of us are Daddies. I know that you and Jaxson own the club with several other people, and we know what the club caters to. Most of us were in the Army together in the same unit and we all started talking one day about it. When we all retired, we started this company and the rest is history,” Ezra said. “I also trust you not to tell anybody that.”

“You're trusting me to keep an awful lot of secrets,” Michael joked. “But I'll happily keep it to myself.”

“Well, you can talk to Jaxson and the other owners but nobody outside of the community. And if you ever know of somebody that needs help, you can contact us and we'll help out.”

“Good to know. Thank you.”

Michael hoped he never had to use it for anybody else, but he didn't know the future. He didn't think this would happen.

“I'm not used to this whole situation so what do I need to do and not do?” Michael asked. “I don't want to get in the way of you doing your job.”

“You won't have to change much. I'll be around all the time, but I won't butt into your life. If she does happen to get another text, I'll need to look at her phone and transfer some of the data to our specialist so that he can tap into her phone and try and track where the call is coming from if he hasn't already found it,” Ezra explained. “Just go on with life as normal and I'll just be an extra person around. I may give suggestions every once in a while if you want to go somewhere.”

“Okay great. I may need to work some this week. I have some meetings I can't miss and Monroe won't be able to come with me. Besides that, I can do most of my work from home. Would it be best for us to be here or somewhere else?”

“Jared is FBI and can get away with a lot of things, but right now, she is safest here since I’ll know the layout of the house and the entryways and everything. I'll make sure to look outside and patrol to make sure she really is safe and nobody's lingering around or driving by or in a car. We did contact somebody we know that lives here and every once in a while, he'll drive up and down the street to make sure nobody's camping out anywhere.”

Michael exhaled and nodded his head. He knew he couldn't keep her safe from everything but knowing he had two people that were looking out for her and making sure Jared wasn't going to come anywhere near her relieved some of the stress he was feeling.

Little pitter patters were heard, and both their heads moved to find Monroe walking toward them.

“I'm sorry, Daddy. I'm just worried and I really don't want anybody to get hurt because of me,” she whispered as she walked into his embrace.

“It's okay, Little Bunny,” he said. “Just know that that kind of attitude will land you in trouble if it continues.”

She nodded her head before she looked over at Ezra and her eyes went wide.

“Uh, sorry. I meant, Michael,” she rushed out.

“Don't worry, Little girl. I'm a Daddy, too, so you don't have to hide that you call him Daddy,” Ezra said. “Now, I'm going to place my stuff in the hotel and then I'll come right back.”

“Oh, we have an extra room that you can stay in. No need to pay for a hotel. If you want to stay here,” Michael said.

“Thanks. I didn't want to impose but staying here would be better. I'll just get my stuff.”



Monroe was exhausted as Daddy woke her up. It had been several days since Ezra had first started staying at their house and she was on edge. She couldn't relax with him around because she knew he was here to protect her.

It threw her off as she would do normal things in the house and he would be there. She tried to not let it affect her, but it was harder than she thought. He was a constant reminder that she was in danger and Jared could find her at any second.

Daddy had tried so hard to take her mind off things and keep her occupied, but it wasn't working. She tried to keep it to herself that it was affecting her, but she didn't know if she was succeeding. Her Daddy hadn't said anything to her about it so maybe she was.

So many times she wanted to yell at her Daddy or at Ezra for always being near her. She wanted some quiet time to herself but they weren't allowing that and she understood why. Jared was powerful and she knew they needed to keep an eye on her at all times to keep her safe.

Monroe just wished it would be over sooner. She wanted things to go back to normal. She didn't want to be stressed out every second of the day. She just wanted a normal life right now.

“I've got to go into work today and you can't come since it's all meetings. You'll be staying here with Ezra and I'll be back as soon as I can,” Daddy said.

Tears formed in her eyes as he spoke those words. This was the first time he was leaving since she got that text and she just wasn't ready to be without him.

“Can't I just come with you?” she begged as she cried. “I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be without you.”