Charlotte thought back to all the times she had worked at the bakery. Had she ever eaten lunch? Maybe in the very beginning but once the bakery got more known around the city, it was hard for her to take breaks.

“In the beginning. I haven’t in a while. I just eat after my shift.”

“And what do you normally eat after your shift?”

Charlotte moved around uncomfortably. She knew he wouldn’t like the answer, but that’s all she could afford at the time. She wasn’t able to get the good stuff because it was so expensive.

“Beans and maybe some rice,” she whispered.

“Well, that’s going to change. Daddy’s going to bring you lunch today, and you’ll be taking a break to eat it. No ifs, buts, or ors. You’ll be eating with me. A healthy lunch because you need it.”

She nodded her head. Charlotte didn’t want to argue with her Daddy right now. Not this early in the morning and not right before she had to leave him.

She felt giddy inside that he was taking care of her. It made her feel at ease and not worry as much. He had her best interest for her, and she liked it. She craved it.

“I’ll see you for lunch,” Daddy said as he kissed her forehead.

Charlotte grabbed her keys and purse and made her way outside of his house. It was still dark outside, and a little whine escaped past her lips. It was so hard for Charlotte to get out of her Daddy’s bed this morning.

All she wanted to do was snuggle into his side and never leave, but she knew she had a job to do. She had been gone long enough, and they needed her back, or, well, she hoped they needed her back.

Charlotte didn’t know what she would do if they didn’t need her, but from the way James talked on the phone, they needed her back.

“Drive safe, and text me when you get there,” Daddy said as he helped Charlotte into her car.

“Yes, Daddy. I will.”

He closed the door, and Charlotte went on her way to work. The whole ride to the bakery was a blur, and before she knew it, she was in the bakery turning the ovens on.

Charlotte quickly sent a text to her Daddy before she got to baking things.

“I’m so glad you’re back!” Amelia yelled as she walked into the kitchen. “We had a replacement baker, but they weren’t the same, and our customers noticed.”

Charlotte felt bad for leaving them in a pickle when she got sick, but she was glad to hear that they were happy for her to be back. The worry went away, and pride filled her chest. Her customers noticed that it wasn’t her baking.

“What are you making today?” Amelia asked.

“The usuals right now. Cupcakes, brownies, cookies, lemon squares.”

“Ooooo I want some! Tell me when they come out, and I’ll ‘sample’ them for you to see if they’re good.”

Before Charlotte could say anything, James walked right behind Amelia and grabbed her arm.

“She will do no such thing. I already told you today that you don’t get any treats, and if I find out you ate some, then your punishment will be worse,” James said, and Amelia pouted.

Charlotte went back to stirring some of the cupcake batter together. She needed to get them in the oven as soon as possible so she could let them start to cool. She didn’t want another melting icing incident.

“I’m glad you're back and feeling better,” James told Charlotte. “Your Daddy called and said he was coming for lunch. When he gets here, finish up whatever you were doing, and then go eat with him.”

“Yes, sir.”

James and Amelia left Charlotte to herself as she baked and got all the goodies together before they opened. Charlotte had always left when the bakery closed, but she wondered whether she stayed a couple hours after to bake some things if she would have less baking to do the next day.

Charlotte didn’t know if James would allow her to do it or if it was even a wise idea. Maybe she could mention it to Daddy before she talked to James about it.

* * *

Hours had passedsince she’d gotten to work, and she hadn’t had a break yet. She was saving that for when Daddy came for lunch. Maybe she could have a little longer lunch with him instead of taking a break.