Charlotte felt something being placed around her waist before the straps around her body were loosened and hands picked her up.
“Such a good girl,” Daddy whispered in her ear as he held her. “Just rest while Daddy takes care of you. I’m right here and not going anywhere.”
Charlotte relaxed in his embrace, and Daddy started to rock them back and forth. She could get used to this, and she couldn’t wait until this was her everyday life.
Charlotte had to go back to work today, and she wasn’t looking forward to it. She had felt better yesterday, but Daddy wanted to make sure she was one hundred percent okay before she went back to work.
She was worried about the bakery. What did they do without her? Who baked all the goodies? Were they better than what she made?
Charlotte wasn’t worried about the other job because she asked for her hours to be cut back. It wasn’t her first choice, but Daddy and Charlotte had a long conversation, and that was what they agreed upon.
Daddy wanted her to quit it completely, but Charlotte didn’t want to depend on him too much. Well, that wasn’t fully true. She still felt bad about taking his money without working for it. She felt like a charity case, even though he had told her several times that she wasn’t.
He had told her he would help her out with her bills right now as she got back onto her feet. That she didn’t need to worry about those things. Charlotte was glad, but she was also worried.
What if something happened and he didn’t want her to be his little girl anymore? Would she have to repay him for all the bills he paid?
“Cupcake, stop thinking about that,” Daddy said as he walked into the room.
It was too early, but Daddy insisted he wake up with her. She was groggy and just wanted to go back to sleep, but she promised James that she would come in today. James sounded relieved, but she wasn’t one hundred percent sure.
“You can go back to sleep. I’m almost ready to go to work,” Charlotte said.
She felt bad that he woke up with her. He didn’t have to be awake for several more hours, but he decided that he was going to wake up with her.
“I’m not going back to sleep, and you can’t change my mind.” He gave her a look, and she closed her mouth.
Don’t mess with Daddy so early in the morning, she noted in her brain for future references.
“Little cupcake, do you know that you’re it for me? You’re my little girl, my little precious cupcake. No one else will compare to you. I don’t want anyone else but you,” he said. “Stop worrying about me getting rid of you because it isn’t happening. You’re mine forever.”
Charlotte nodded and relaxed her body. She believed him, but her thoughts always got the best of her, and he knew that. He constantly reminded her, and she wondered if he would get annoyed with that.
“W-will you get annoyed with reminding me?” she whispered and looked up at him.
“No, little cupcake. I won’t ever get annoyed or tired of reminding you that you’re mine forever and that there isn’t anyone else.”
She let out a sigh and wrapped her arms around his waist. She had to leave in a couple of minutes, but she wanted to spend a couple seconds in his arms.
“When is your break today?” Daddy asked and stood back from her.
Charlotte shrugged her shoulders. She didn’t know when she would have a break. Sometimes she didn’t get one because they were so busy, and she needed to bake all of the time.
“Do you not have a set break time?” he asked.
She shook her head. “No, I don’t. It depends on how busy we are. It changes, and sometimes I don’t get a break at all.”
“I don’t like that. Maybe I’ll be having a discussion with James about that. It’s not healthy to not have a break to eat and drink something.”
“I do eat,” Charlotte protested.
She did, but it might not be healthy like he would like.
“All sugary stuff. You need healthy things for snacks and a lunch. Do you ever eat lunch?”