“Are those cupcakes okay to bring to the display?” Amelia peaked her head into the kitchen.

“Give me one second! I need to add the finishing touches before I bring them out.”

Charlotte quickly added the sprinkles to the cupcakes and picked up the tray. When she moved to walk toward the front area, she felt her bladder make a presence again. She really needed to go several minutes ago and had completely forgotten about it.

“Here are the cupcakes,” Charlotte said as she placed them down on the counter.

She didn’t even wait for Amelia to say anything before she walked back into the kitchen. Amelia had a certain way she liked the display, and she wasn’t going to encroach on her space.

Charlotte made sure everything was okay so she could go to the bathroom. The pressure increased in her bladder, and Charlotte took several deep breaths. She didn’t know if she would be able to make it to the bathroom in time.

Her face got really red, and she crossed her legs. Charlotte had let herself get to this point several times when she was at her Daddy’s house, but she had a diaper on, so it didn’t matter because she went in the diaper.

Now she didn’t have a diaper on, and she knew she couldn’t make it to the bathroom. Tears sprung to her eyes as she felt herself starting to go to the bathroom. She stayed in her spot and grabbed her phone out of her back pocket and called her Daddy.

“Little cupcake,” Daddy answered. “I’m about to leave the club to bring you lunch.”

Charlotte didn’t say anything but breathed heavily as she tried to keep her sobs down.

“Cupcake, what’s wrong?”

“D-daddy,” she whispered. “I h-had an accident.”

A sob made it’s way out of her mouth. She felt nasty just standing in her own urine. She didn't want to walk anywhere because then she would get it everywhere, but she didn't want to stay in her clothes. She wanted them off, and she wanted to become clean.

“It’s okay. I’ve got some extra clothes with me. I’ll be there in three minutes,” Daddy said. “Where are you?”


“Stay where you are. No one will come into the kitchen until I get there. You’re okay, cupcake.”

She continued to cry silently and stood there waiting for him to come. How could she have forgotten that she wasn’t wearing a diaper?

“Cupcake, Daddy’s here,” he said as he walked into the kitchen.

One look at her and he quickly walked to her. He had a bag hanging from his shoulder. Daddy wrapped a hoodie around her waist, picked her up, and moved her to a different spot.

Charlotte watched as Daddy started to clean up her mess on the floor before he threw everything away and turned toward her.

“Let’s go get you changed,” he said as he picked her up.

“No.” Her voice raised. “I’m dirty.”

“Daddy doesn’t care. Daddy just wants to get you all cleaned and then fed.”

He carried her outside the bakery and into the backseat of his car. He gently placed her down on the covered back seats.

“The windows are tinted, and I placed something on the front window, so no one can see in,” Daddy said as he started to pull her pants and underwear down.

Charlotte relaxed to her best ability, but it was weird. Would people really not be able to see them when they walked by? He had said they wouldn’t, and she mostly believed him, but a little part of her felt like maybe it was possible.

Daddy cleaned her up and placed a diaper around her.

“Wait! Everyone will be able to tell that I’m wearing one,” Charlotte said.

“No, they won’t. You’ll be wearing one of my shirts that’ll cover it. No one will be able to tell. I promise.”

When Daddy promised things, he meant it, and Charlotte knew that. Any time he made a promise, he always kept it.