She wondered ifhe thought she was pretty.
He gave greatfoot rubs. He worked one foot over, deeply massaging from the toes to the heel.Then he pulled her other foot into his lap and gave it the same treatment. Itdidn’t take long for her to drop the book and stretch out more comfortably soshe could enjoy it, making sure to tug the towel down over her thighs.
She closed hereyes and breathed deeply, but when his hands moved from her foot to her leg,her sighs turned to soft moans. His hands felt incredible, and eventually hewas caressing rather than massaging.
Then he startedusing his mouth, trailing kisses and little nips along her feet, ankles,calves, and all the way up to the back of her knees.
After severalminutes of his ministrations, Lori was fully aroused and starting to shiftrestlessly on the bed. And he hadn’t made it higher than her knees.
“Ander,” shegasped at last, when his skillful mouth on the sensitive spot at the back ofher knee threatened to drive her insane. “I’m finding you less obnoxious now.You can move on past my legs.”
He made ahumming sound against her skin that sent delicious vibrations straight to herhot arousal. With a smile, he moved higher on the bed and took one of her handsin both of his.
He pressed akiss into the palm, with a gentleness that took her by surprise. But, beforeshe could fully register the gesture, he trailed his mouth up to her wrist andhigher up her arm, alternately flicking with his tongue and grazing with histeeth.
Then he strokedher arms as he mouthed her throat. Every inch of her skin that he’d touchedfelt tingling and sensitized. Her whole body was primed, and all the parts thathe hadn’t yet reached were aching for his touch.
He kissed hisway up her neck and then along the line of her jaw. And then he lingered juston the edge of her mouth until Lori couldn’t take any more. She turned her headenough to claim his mouth.
Their lipsclung to each other for several moments, and then the kissed deepened. Lori wasjust getting into it, clutching at his head and trying to rub her hips againsthis, when he pulled away.
She whimperedin frustration as his face lowered again to her neck. She was dying for him.She was wet and aching between her legs, and she couldn’t stop squirming herhips.
But he wouldn’teven get to her breasts.
Finally, shedecided he must be doing it on purpose. “Ander,” she said hoarsely, pulling hishead up from where he’d been sucking at a spot on her shoulder. “Stop stalling.Get to the good parts.”
He met hereyes. His face was slightly flushed and his body looked a little tensed. Thatgave her hope that he was starting to get aroused himself, but he lowered hisface again to trail his lips down her upper arm toward her elbow. “I can’t,” hemurmured against her skin. “All your good parts are covered by the towel.”
Lori stiffenedand sucked in a sharp breath. He wasstillbeing obnoxious. He was goingto make her take off her towel before he gave her what she wanted.
Obviously, he’dseen the various parts of her body before, but she’d always kept something onso she didn’t feel quite so exposed or vulnerable. Had Ander just pushed up thetowel like she’d expected, she wouldn’t have thought anything about showing himsome skin.
But this wasdifferent.
“Ander,” shewhimpered, not immediately sure whether her desire or her stubbornness wouldhold out.
Later, shewould conclude that she hadn’t really caved. It was merely her common sensethat came out victorious. He’d seen her body before. And she wanted to havesex.
Why the hellshould she cling to the towel?
As Anderwaited, sprawled out beside her and propped up on one arm, she slowly moved herhand to the tucked end of the towel. She felt ridiculously nervous as shestarted to loosen it. Ander was gazing at her, and the sun was streaming inthrough the sheers on the window.
Her body lookedperfectly fine in clothes, but she’d never be a swimsuit model.
She didn’t careif she was paying Ander to be with her. She wanted him to find her attractive.
Almostdelicately, she pulled the wrapped towel apart, baring her body to his view.She couldn’t even do it in stages. Not only did she reveal her breasts, butalso her belly, hips, thighs, and groin.
The cool air onher still damp skin was almost shocking. Her nipples had tightened with herarousal and grew even more erect at the shift in temperature.
She saw aflicker of expression on Ander’s face—one she couldn’t identify. But it causedher pulse to pound even faster.
To her relief, Anderdidn’t just sit there staring at her naked flesh. Almost immediately, helowered his face to one of her breasts, and his hands moved to caress her hipsand thighs.
Lori exhaled indeep pleasure at the familiar feel of his mouth and hands on her body. And soonher self-consciousness was forgotten as her desire took on new urgency with theintensifying of the foreplay.
Eventually, hismouth moved lower than her breasts as he pressed little kisses along the lineof her side and across her abdomen. He cupped both of her breasts with hishands and squeezed gently as he breathed hotly against her belly.