Page 59 of Escorted

Lori stood up,the sudsy water streaming off of her skin as she lifted herself up. Anderdidn’t even make it easy on her. His eyes raked over her naked, curvy form beforeshe could grab the towel and wrap it around herself.

“Jerk,” shemuttered, walking out of the bathroom with what she would describe as righteouswrath but Ander would probably describe as a flounce.

Ander followedher. “Did you just call me a jerk?”

She stuck herchin out indignantly as she shuffled through her suitcase, which was open on arack. She couldn’t find anything to wear. She didn’t want to get dressed forthe banquet yet or put back on her jeans and top from this morning. But all theloungewear she’d brought was kind of slinky.

She definitelydidn’t want to put on something sexy at the moment. Not when Ander was sittingin a chair, leaning back with his legs stretched out as if he didn’t have acare in the world. And he was still watching her, probably just waiting for thetowel to drop so he could revel in his smugness.

Finding nothinggood to put on, she secured the big white towel around herself more carefully,tucking the end under as tightly as she could. Then she went over to the bed,laid down, and picked up the book she’d brought with her.

Pretended toread.

After a fewminutes, she peeked over the top of the cover and saw that Ander was stillwatching her, his lips twitching uncontrollably.

The bastard wasjust sitting there, having a private laugh at her expense.

Her own senseof humor surged up at the sight of his warm, handsome face. She had to hidebehind her book so he wouldn’t see she wanted to giggle at herself.

No sense inletting him win so easily.

After a minute,Ander asked, “Are you all right?”

She composedher face and lowered her book. “What do you mean by that?”

“I mean—are youall right? You looked like you were wincing.”

Lori thoughtquickly and came up with the best excuse she could on short notice. “Oh. Myfeet are just a little sore. From all the walking this morning.”

It soundedfairly convincing and Ander didn’t question it, although his eyes narrowedslightly. So she lifted the book again and tried not to snicker at hissuspicious expression.

She wasconcentrating on keeping a poker-face, so Ander wouldn’t think he’d won herover with his smug tactics. So she was shocked when she felt a warm hand on herbare ankle.

She squeakedand jerked her foot away.

Ander had movedover to sit on the end of the bed and he stared at her like she was crazy.

“You startledme,” she said, explaining her dramatic reaction. “What are you doing?”

She actuallywouldn’t be opposed to sex now, if Ander could manage to keep from actingobnoxiously about it.

“You said yourfeet were sore. I was going to rub them.”

“Oh.” Shestretched her legs out again and watched him warily as he set one of her feetin his lap. “I thought you might be trying to tickle.”

Ander gave adry huff of laughter. “I wouldn’t dare when you’re in this mood.”

“What mood isthat?”

“I believeprickly might be the word.” The corner of his mouth tilted up irresistibly ashe started to give her foot a firm massage.

Lori couldn’thold back a long sigh at how good his hands felt. But she wasn’t yet ready toadmit surrender. “Well, the word for you is obnoxious.”

“What have Idone?” His tone was innocent, and his fingers kneading the ball of her footwere delicious.

“You know verywell what you’ve done. You’ve been smug and obnoxious since you woke up fromyour nap. Now be quiet or you’ll ruin my foot rub.”

Ander chuckled,his soft, warm laughter wafting over her and making her smile too. He was avery odd man, and she couldn’t seem to figure him out. She couldn’t believehe’d taunted her into getting out of the bathtub naked.