Page 61 of Escorted

Lori had spreadher legs and was trying to get any friction she could against her clit. “Ander,”she begged, “Please.”

His mouthtrailed even lower. Then his jaw brushed against the strip of trimmed hairbetween her thighs.

She gasped ashe parted her legs even further and then nuzzled her intimately. Before shecould even process what was happening, he’d used his tongue to part herintimate folds and expose her hot arousal to the cool air of the room.

“Ander!” shepanted, trying to get her mind to work when her body was flooded withsensation.

He flicked ather clit, sending jolts of pleasure out from the touch.

She had tofight to keep her thighs apart. She wanted to squeeze around his head, aroundthe pleasure. Her hands groped at the bedding, and she instinctively tried torub her groin against Ander’s mouth.

He held herthighs apart and held her in place with strong hands as his mouth worked herover. He stroked and fluttered with his tongue, dipping into her wet entranceand curling up against her inner walls. He nuzzled and rubbed against her fleshwith his jaw and his nose, and occasionally even his teeth would graze her verylightly.

Lori whimperedand panted, her body growing tighter and tighter as the sensations built up toan unbearable peak. Her hands groped around, fumbling for purchase, moving fromthe comforter to the headboard to her own breasts. Eventually, she gave in andclutched at Ander’s head, holding his mouth in place with shamelessentitlement.

He adjustedslightly to get his hand in position so he could sink two fingers into herchannel and pump them against her g-spot. Then he concentrated on her clit,nudging and twirling it until Lori wanted to howl.

She started tomake little sobbing sounds as she felt her climax bear down. And she shookdesperately as the tension finally shattered and her intimate muscles clampeddown around Ander’s fingers.

As she pantedand rode out her orgasm, Ander kept pushing his fingers against thecontractions, but he turned his head slightly to the soft flesh at the very topof her inner thigh.

He bit down.

Lori cried outhoarsely, the jolt of unexpected pain sustaining the spasms of her pleasure.

“Oh God!” shegasped, as her body began to relax. “Oh God.”

Ander gentlyslid his fingers out, and he lifted his head from between her legs.

Lori gazed downon him hazily, feeling a flush of embarrassment at how wet the lower part ofhis face was.

As he reachedfor a tissue to wipe his face, Lori remembered what she’d been trying to wrapher mind around earlier. “You didn’t use one of those dams.”

Ander gave ahalf-shrug. “No big deal.”

“But you said—”

Lifting hiseyebrows, Ander reached for a condom from the bedside table. “You haven’t hadsex with anyone but me, have you?”

“No,” she saidslowly, randomly wondering if he thought that was weird.

“Howsignificant a chance do you think there is of my catching a disease from you?”

Lori couldn’thelp but snort, her sense of irony triggered by his dry words. She should haveknown Ander had a rational reason for his atypical behavior. Obviously, therewas no reason for protection if her only sexual experience was with him.

It had feltextremely intimate, but Ander was a professional. It would be unforgivablyfoolish of her to forget that for even a moment.

“Right,” shesaid with a relaxed smile. “Thank you for that, by the way.” She inclined herhead toward her pelvis to indicate the oral sex he’d just performed. “Now maybeyou can do something with that condom.”

Ander quicklypulled off his clothes, and then he rolled the condom on over his erection. Hepositioned himself between her legs and aligned his cock at her entrance.

But then hehesitated, scanning her face. “Did you want to use a different posit—”

“This is good,”she interrupted, bucking her hips in a futile attempt to get him inside her.She didn’t always like to make all the decisions. “Hurry up.”

He sank insideher, and then he lowered his upper body so he could kiss her.

She could stilltaste herself in his mouth, and she rolled her hips against the penetration ofhis cock.