“Men/boys stutter around their crush and I saw you as a celebrity. You are tough, strong-willed and I didn’t know what you would have seen if I had to go up to you.”
“You already made it clear you judged me,”
He had a point.
“Well, since I am not that girl anymore and we just had our first kiss…” God, it still felt strange to grasp that we kissed.
“What happens now?” I asked.
“One kiss doesn’t mean you are obligated to be with me. It’s not a marriage proposal and it was more of a dare.”
“A dare that sparked feelings so strong that I am unable to suppress them.”
“I know you have never done this before and it is all new to you. It’s confusing and your emotions are going to be all the place especially if you overthink.”
I smiled at him because I do that a lot.
“Let’s first see if you are going to feel the same over a month.”
I blinked when I realized he was leaving tomorrow for Manchester where he will at least spend a month to two months—depending on how well his team does during the championship.
“When I come back and you feel the same, then I’ll take you out on your first date and act like a perfect gentleman. We can then take things from there.”
“And what if I don’t?”
He shrugged. “We work through it,”
“You have always been a perfect gentleman from the moment I met you, Hills. I guess that is why you paved a way to my heart.”
I embraced him with a hug and wish I could hold on forever. It sucks that he has to leave tomorrow. We had so much to talk about and things I have to learn.
“You are still cold,” He muttered.
“That’s because my room is cold.” I reminded him.
“Well, let’s get you under the covers so you can heat up, and then I have to leave to go pack.” He suggested. Standing up and pulled my blankets aside—gesturing for me to lie down.
“Only if you stay,” I bargained and I saw a smile making its way to his lips.
“When you ask like that,” He sat back down, kicked off his shoes, and lay down motioning for me to crawl in beside him.
He didn’t have to ask twice.
I snuggled as close as his body would let me and hummed in pure bliss when the warmth of his body embraced mine.
I tilted my head back and found him looking at me.
Did I now own the privilege of kissing him whenever I felt like it? Or was there an unspoken rule I didn’t know about?
At this stage, I didn’t care anymore as I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on his lips.
His response was almost immediate as he fused our mouths and took charge to show me the ropes to a proper kiss.
Fueling my body with desire.
I reached for him—gasping loudly when his hand slipped in underneath my shirt and when he gently stroked his hand over my hip.
Sparks of electricity ignited from his hand—over my skin and down to the pit of my stomach, where a strange, but wonderful feeling started to develop.