Octavia lifted her head with a pout, reaching up to wrap a strawberry-blonde curl around her finger. “But I always do it. Why can’t you?”
“Because I need to take care of ourotherguest.”
At the evil glint in her dark brown eyes, dread shivered up my spine.
Octavia huffed but did what she was told, forcing the man to look at her as she thralled him to forget certain aspects of their coupling. “You were never bitten . . .” she started, pricking her finger with a sharp black claw so she could smear blood over the bite marks on his neck. The puncture holes immediately began to seal shut.
“You’re late for your dance lesson,” I told Georgina, hoping to distract her. No such luck.
“I don’t remember hearing about a dance lesson today.” She lifted a hand and slowly licked the blood from her claws. “Do you, Tavia?”
“Nope,” her sister chirped.
“Sounds like you made a mistake, troll. I think a punishment is in order.” Pausing to examine her claws, she let them recede back into her skin before tapping her chin in thought. “What do you think her punishment should be for barging in on us, Tavia?”
Octavia let go of the man to clap her hands with glee. “I know, I know! Make her dancenaked!”
I stiffened.
Georgina rolled her eyes. “So juvenile.”
I started to relax but should have known better.
“Well, troll? You heard her. Strip and start dancing.”
A groan pushed at my throat, but I swallowed it. As far as punishments went, this one was rather tame. And by dancing for them, I was technically still “helping” them with their lesson. It would be humiliating, but my days of feeling self conscious were long gone.
Before she could force my cooperation with thrall, I started to undress. Georgina looked on with amusement, watching until I was completely nude before her. “When’s the last time you ate, troll?” she sneered, reaching out to poke one of my ribs. A sudden violent urge to grab her finger and break it ripped through me, but I balled my hands into fists and kept still.
At my stubborn silence, she scowled, looking like a younger version of her mother.
“Well? We’re waiting. Dance, already.” She flicked her fingers at me impatiently and stepped toward a chaise lounge to drape herself across it.
“How long should I dance for?”
I should have known better than to ask.
“Until I tell you to stop.” That evil glint returned.
Gritting my teeth, I started to dance. Slowly at first, then faster when Georgina demanded it. I danced and danced, losing myself to the movements, to the rhythm until the room and its occupants melted away. Music wasn’t necessary. I created my own, my body responding to each silent note.
At some point, their male companion left, but I kept on dancing. My feet flew over the hardwood floor as I leapt and jumped and twirled. My hair fanned out in shimmering strands, catching the flickering light of the candles.
I danced for hours. Danced until my feet ached and my legs turned to jelly. The room suddenly spun, faster and faster until I lost my balance and crashed to the floor. Stifling a yelp of pain, I struggled to rise, only to fall again.
After the third attempt, Georgina sighed and droned, “I’m bored of this. Dance lesson is over.”
I barely heard her, my headache like a deafening drum in my ears. Somehow, I managed to pick myself up, collect my clothes, and leave the bedroom. How I got from the second floor to my room in the basement, I didn’t know. All I remembered was falling onto my bed right before darkness swallowed me whole.
His eyes were like green amethysts.
Pale and piercing.
They seemed to look directly into my soul.