Ignoring my aching stomach and burning eyes, I lugged my purchases into the house and began to put them away.
At the gentle admonishment in Pepper’s tone, guilt flooded me.
I tried. I really tried, Pep. I’ll catch a quick nap and eat tonight, though. Promise.
Her resigned sigh whispered through my mind.You can’t keep going like this.
I know, but I’m tougher than I look, I told her, trying to lighten themood. When annoyance trickled through our connection, I changed the subject.Hear anything interesting this morning?
Nothing of importance, but Thing One and Thing Two have a guest over. He’s still here.
At the news, my amusement over her nickname for the Faircroft sisters quickly faded.Again?I glanced at my phone and scowled. They should be prepping for their dance lesson right now. If they kept me waiting too long, I wouldn’t have time for a nap before heading over to Dreamscape. Tempted to start on my household chores early, I banned the idea and shut the fridge with an extra loudsnap.
Rules were rules. Straying from my predetermined schedule wasn’t an option unless I wanted to be punished again.
My mood took a nosedive, and I marched from the kitchen before I could check myself. Dimly, I heard Pepper warning me to stop, but I was too annoyed. Too tired. Toohungry.
Those two needed a wakeup call, and I was the only one who would do it. Theirmothercertainly wouldn’t. She allowed them their every whim, spoiling her daughters every chance she got. And when they inevitably screwed up,Itook the blame for it.
Well, not today. Today, I needed to follow the rules, which meanttheyneeded to follow the rules. Time for some tough love.
Not bothering to be quiet, I stomped up the stairs to the second floor and stormed toward Octavia’s room. I whipped open the door without knocking, then squinted through the darkness to find the space empty. Turning on my heel, I crossed the hall to Georgina’s room, once again jerking the door open without a knock.
The moment I did, I desperately wished that I hadn’t.
Several candles had been lit around the room, illuminating the luxurious space enough to reveal three forms tangled together on the massive four-poster bed. A male was in the middle, flat on hisback and stark naked. The sisters were draped on either side of him, both feeding from his neck and equally naked. Octavia was feverishly pumping his dick, and before I could look away, he orgasmed with a groan, spilling a stream of cum onto his stomach.
The second he was finished, Georgina removed her fangs from his neck and straddled him. Before his shaft could soften, she sank on top of it, impaling herself balls deep. As she began to ride him, she crooned, “Have you come to watch, troll?”
I hastily stepped back, but before I could close the door, her voice cracked like a whip through the air.
I started to shut the door anyway. Her golden curls tumbled forward as she looked over her shoulder and met my gaze.
Immediately, I felt thepullas she opened her mouth and ordered, “Come inside and close the door.”
Against my wishes, my feet crossed over the threshold, my hands betraying me as they shut the door. Satisfied, Georgina resumed her ride, bouncing up and down with abandon as her younger sister continued to feed from the male’s neck. After a minute, she ordered him to fondle her breasts, and he readily complied. Feeling left out, Octavia grabbed one of his hands and placed it between her legs. As he began to rub her clit, she moaned into his neck and roughly grabbed his hair.
Agonizing minutes later, all three of them were panting heavily, on the verge of release. Like a domino effect, they reached orgasm one after the other, starting with Georgina. She dramatically threw her head back and screamed, digging her nails into the man’s chest. Scratch that.Claws. As dark blood pooled on his brown chest, he loudly groaned out another release. Octavia followed suit, releasing his neck with a shuddering gasp as she came against his fingers.
I stood quietly, waiting for them to finish. Georgina languidly moved off the male, only to bend over and lap up the blood on his chest. My stomach lurched, but I forced myself to watch anyway, my expression carefully neutral.
This was punishment for daring to think my opinion meant anything in this household. It was my own stupid fault for coming up here.
This wasn’t the first time the sisters made me watch them having sex. They were attached at the hip and shared everything, including men. The first time I’d been exposed to their kinky love life, I’d only been fifteen years old. I’d cried then, but I’d never cried since. The less I reacted, the less ammunition they had.
Thankfully, they never forced me to join them. Even now, when I looked the same age as them, I knew they wouldn’t cross that line.
They despised me too much, especially Georgina.
She finally looked over at me with a self-satisfied smirk and purred, “Enjoy the show? I know how much you love watching.”
Knowing I wouldn’t reply, she made a show of stretching like a cat before grabbing a pink satin robe and slipping from the bed. The entire room looked like a tornado had swept through it. Clothing, shoes, and other accessories littered the floor, even though I’d just cleaned it yesterday.
As she sashayed toward me, slowly pulling on her robe, she said, “Octavia, take care of our guest.”