Page 8 of Forever Touched

Time froze, and for once, I didn’t mind.

The longer he looked at me, the more I wanted him to.

I could bask in his undivided attention forever.

He suddenly reached up to remove his mask, and I held my breath in anticipation.

I wanted to see him. Needed to. He somehow felt familiar to me, like I’d seen him before.

He pulled on the black strings, undoing his mask.

My heart started to pound.

The mask lowered, and I caught the first glimpse of his face.

My heart pounded faster. Faster and faster.

Only a second more, and I would know who he was.

The mask lowered another inch . . .

Then abruptly vanished in a swirl of black smoke.

And so did he.

I awoke with a yelp, grabbing my index finger as it painfully throbbed like a second heartbeat.

I’m sorry, Ada. I didn’t know what else to do.

“Pepper?” I mumbled with a groan, peeling my eyes open to check on my finger. “Did you justbiteme?”

Shh, keep your voice down. The brown mouse rubbed her soft head against the injured finger as if to make it all better.You’ve been out for hours. I had to reach you somehow.

Why? Is it morning already?I spoke mind-to-mind, yawning so wide that my jaw cracked.

No, Ada. That’s just it. You haven’t finished the day yet.

My mouth shut with a sharpclick. Oh no. I scrambled upright as fast as I could, earning me a perturbed squeak from Pepper.

“What time is it?” I reached into my pocket for my phone but found bare skin instead. What the—? Why was Inaked?My head started to pound again as I racked my brain, finally remembering my littledancein Georgina’s room. I must have passed out from pure exhaustion. Mistress was going tokillme.

No, she won’t, Pepper reassured, picking up on my frantic thought.She needs you too much.

“Needsme?” Snorting, I dragged myself out of bed and began to dress.My dad killed her husband. The only reason why I’m still alive is because it amuses her to have a warlock elder’s daughter as her personal servant.

Taking care of this house and its occupants isn’t the only thing you do, Adalyn.

“Don’t remind me,” I muttered, grabbing my phone to tap on the screen. As the time glared back at me almost accusingly, I cursed and hurried my movements.

All I’m saying is that your abilities make you important. You’re more than an indentured servant, and once you’ve paid off your father’s blood debt to the Faircrofts, you have a bright future ahead of you.

If I survive that long, I cryptically replied.

Ada, she softly admonished. I paused to eye her on my bed. Even without a light on, I could pick out her tiny round body. That’s how used to living in the darkness I was.

Sighing, I said,You were right earlier, Pep. I’m mortal. That means I don’t belong in this world. If I stay too much longer, I think it’s going to kill me.

She released a mournful squeak.Then let me come with you tonight.