“I don’t want to hear it, Zane, it’s fine,” she lied. Of course, she was lying, she was in love with him and now she was running from her feelings.
“Well, then, I guess we’re done here.” I was wrong, Zane didn’t give a shit about her.
“I guess we are.”
Both men turned towards the door, but Zane glanced back, his expression schooled from all feelings. “You were nothing but a lousy fuck. This is why I don’t fuck virgins.”
I sucked in a breath that got stuck. Salem didn’t react. She just watched as they walked out. Tyler finished her stomach and side up while I sat in the corner. I had no idea what to say to her because if I couldn’t even handle Killian, then I sure as hell couldn’t handle Zane and Salem.
“SHUTUP!”Islicedinto the girl’s leg. Her screams echoed around the room, tugging on her restraints. “You’re not going anywhere doll face; I’ve got plans for you.”
I had a task. A mission. Someone who needed to pay for what was done to me. She had to pay for what she did to me. It was all her fault. Her fucking fault. ALL OF IT. I hated her, and she was going to wish—
Slice. Slice. Slice.
Two months later
“UncleKills?”Tobiastappedmy shoulder, bringing my attention back to him.
“What’s up, kiddo?” I asked, forcing my fingers to stop tapping away. Ever since the hospital everyone was on edge. Mila was sick and her hormones from being pregnant made her go from a crying mess to raging about wanting to go back home. Dimitri was dodging Luca’s phone calls, trying to figure out a way to make peace with them since we never found out who Ghost was. Zane was a raging dick. He was barely around and when he was, I was moments away from bashing his face in with my fist.
I, on the other hand, barely slept. Couldn’t stop from finding anything I could about Aziza, including hacking into traffic cameras just to watch her drive around town. If I knew better, I would have stayed and fought with her. But we hadn’t even made any progress, and I honestly didn’t feel like being stabbed.
I wouldn’t have put it past her to do as she said either.
“Temorrow, you think we can make some of those cookies?”
“Tomorrow,” Mila corrected.
Smiling over at him, she said, “Sure, buddy. What kind?”
“Aunt Sey and Aunt Ziza always made chocolate hip. I want those,” he whispered, eyes never leaving mine.
“Chip,” Mila corrected again.
I tried to ignore the tightness in my chest at the mention of Aziza. I couldn’t help but look over at Zane who was causally glaring at the four-year-old.
For a moment no one said anything. It was completely silent. That was until we heard my front door open, and slam shut. It was like Tobias somehow summoned her. Aziza stepped into the kitchen, as though she owned the house.
“What are you doing here?” Zane growled at my girl, raising a gun to her head.
Suddenly my skin crawled. Before I could say anything Aziza rolled her eyes.
“Zane, put the gun down.”
“I won’t ask again—”