Page 38 of Love and War

“How hard did you hit your head?” I asked. I didn’t remember Tyler telling me something was wrong with her head.

“My head is perfectly fine.” She laughed out. “But, man I just wish I could have seen those three alpha male faces when you said that. I can’t imag—”

“Don’t give me that. Where the fuck is Salem!” that familiar voice barked from outside the door.

“They’re going to cause a scene.” She sighed motioning towards the door.

Rolling my eyes, I hurried over, opening the door. Sure enough, Zane and Dimitri stood in front of Tyler. Thankfully, Tyler dealt with Salem enough that he didn’t give a shit about Dimitri and his ego.

“In,” I ordered.

They both followed in.

“What do you want?” I said, closing the door before going back to Salem’s side. Even with her weakened state, I knew she could kick their asses.

“Who are you?” Dimitri asked.

“I’m not telling you.”

“Tell me why the fuck Luca had his men attack your house and my fucking son!” I braced for Salem attacking them with the mention of Luca’s name. Luca was the whole reason her family was murdered. He was behind her parents and siblings being murdered.

“I’m not telling you.”

“The fuck you are.” Dimitri growled, stepping towards her. Now, I might not be as strong or graceful with self-defense, but that didn’t stop me from forming a fist and punching him in the face. Suddenly he grabbed my arm. Unsure of what he was going to do, I prepared myself to do something, not exactly sure what. Maybe I could shove my thumbs into his eyes. But I didn’t have to think too hard before Salem was out of the bed, IV ripped from her arm. Her leg swung out, knocking Dimitri onto his ass.

“Don’t fucking move,” Salem ordered, her knee shoved into his throat. “I’m not telling you shit, and you don’t come into my hospital room asking me shit either. If you don’t like what I’m telling you andhavebeen telling you ALL, then fucking leave.” Finally, she moved off him coming to stand next to me once again.

“They attacked my son,” Dimitri growled, getting to his feet.

“I protected him.”

“Barely,” Dimitri muttered.

I lost it. “Excuse me?” Stepping around Salem, I said, “Are you kidding me? Salem has done everything to fucking protect all of you!” I was moments away from using what little power I had to kick both their asses. Maybe I could drain Dimitri’s bank accounts and give it away to those in need. Zane, maybe I could slip some laxatives, make him shit himself.

“It’s fine.” Salem winced as she shrugged.

“Salem,” Zane mumbled.


“Your side.” He motioned towards her gown. Bruises covered her legs, her stomach, and her back. The bandages were soaked in blood.

“Get back in bed,” I ordered, quickly sending off a text to Tyler that her stitches needed to be restitched. “Tyler will be in here in a second to redo those.”

Thankfully, no one spoke and it didn’t take long for him to arrive.

“They’re still here. Lie down, Salem,” he said, carrying a tray of supplies.

“Leave.” Salem didn’t wince once while Tyler began redoing her stomach.

“Don’t contact my family a—”

“Dimitri,” Zane interrupted him. “She can contact me.”

“No. I won’t be talking to any of you,” she hissed. “If you can’t trust me that I’m protecting you by not telling you anything, then we have nothing.”

“Salem.” For maybe the first time I found myself wondering if Zane truly was going to stand up to Dimitri.