“Zane put your fucking gun down!” I raised my voice, causing everyone to jump a bit. I was the calm one in this group; I was the one who could handle most things in a calm way. Zane was quick to his temper, and Dimitri was unpredictable.
Slowly he lowered the gun.
“Aziza, it’s good to see you.” Mila was always trying to be sweet.
“I wish I could say the same.” I watched as she stepped further into the kitchen, going straight to the fridge. Immediately I knew what she needed.
“Watch what you say to my wife,” Dimitri growled at her.
“Or what, you’ll scowl me to death?” Aziza and her damn mouth. Ignoring their bickering I grabbed her favorite chocolate bar from my stash I always had.
“Aziza,” I whispered behind her. I could feel her heat from how close I was standing to her. The moment she turned around, I felt my face soften. For a moment, just a moment, she looked at me like she always did before. Like I hung the moon for her. And in that moment, I knew I would do whatever she wanted for her to look at me like that all the time.
“Blood sugar?” Of course, it was her blood sugar. She was bad about making sure she kept track of her levels. Grabbing her chin, I forced her eyes on me. Finally, she nodded her head.
Suddenly something passed over her face, and she took a large step back. Snatching the bar from my hand, she turned on her heel going to the living room.
Grabbing a water bottle I followed her out while everyone slowly made their way in. Sitting myself down next to her on the loveseat, I listened to the sharp intake of air, pressing my thigh against her own.
“Why are you here?” Dimitri asked forcefully. Reminding myself not to beat the shit out of him for being a dick towards her, I kept my eyes on Aziza.
“What about her?” Zane’s voice was low and full of danger. I glared at him, warning that if he pulled a gun out at her again, I’d kill him.
“It’s been months, what—”
“Two, to be exact,” Aziza interrupted. I watched as she finished off the chocolate bar before handing her the water. Smirking as she took it from me, she glanced up.
“That’s not the point, why ar—”
“I mean, it can be the point. Here’s a question for you…you love Mila, right?”
“Yes,” he answered. No hesitation.
“Then, Zane, I have one for you. Do you love Salem?”
Knowing him, he wouldn’t answer. Dimitri and I knew he loved her, but he would never admit it out loud. Him and his stubborn ways.
“Zane,” Aziza snapped. That voice should not have done the things it did to my body, but fuck. My dick hardened in my jeans, pressing against my zipper.
“Don’t say my name like that.” Zane stepped towards her. I was up and out of my chair before I could think. Standing in front of Aziza, ready to fight my best friend if I had to. My fists tightened at my side.
“Take another step towards her, me and you will fucking fight, got it?” Neither of them knew the real darkness I held inside. Sure, lately I’d shown Zane, but Dimitri had no idea.
“It’s okay,” Aziza whispered, tapping the back of my leg with her foot.
Sitting back down I kept my hand fisted on my knees.
“Okay, enough of this. Aziza, I’m glad you’re here. Dimitri just has extreme trust issues, and I apologize for him being the way he is. But whatareyou doing here?” Mila asked.
“What do you guys know about Salem’s past?”
“Nothing.” Mila nervously looked around.
“Well, her whole family was murdered.”
“Does this have anything to do with Luca?” Dimitri asked.