“I'm sorry we didn’t warn you that he was in here.” She apologises.
“Nellie, you don’t need to apologise and for future reference, you don’t need to warn me either. We are adults and we will learn to live in the same town without tearing each other apart.” I states smiling.
“Seems to me what you two need to do is get in the sack, then the town can have some peace.” Eric murmurs.
“Eric!” Nellie scorns.
“Err, bye. I will be in next week.” I wave as I leave.
I asked Bob earlier to come with me to get a new truck so after dropping my shopping back Bob pulls up and takes me to a local dealership.
“Now let me do the talking. They catch on that you’ve got money and have no clue about trucks and they will sell you the biggest load of crap going.”
“Gotcha! My lips are sealed. Not a peep. Just one thing though Bob, heated seats and bluetooth are a must.” I state.
We pull up and jump out and look around the lot at the trucks.
“Welcome to Donald’s Real Deals. What can I help you with today?” A guy greets us with a bright smile.
“Hello Donald.” I greet.
The guy laughs.
“I'm not Donald, I'm Wyatt.”
“Okay. I'm Esme, it’s nice to meet you.” I hold out my hand and shake his.
“I want to buy a truck, what you got?” I ask.
He walks us through a few but I can't take my eyes off of the bright red one.
“I like the red.” I whisper to Bob. He nods.
“Lets talk shop Wyatt. What can you do the red truck for?” Bob asks.
He crosses his arms over his chest. Meanwhile I'm like a kid in a candy shop, climbing in the truck. I turn on the sound system and music blares out really loud.
“Well, it has got all of the latest extras.” Wyatt says to Bob.
“Those things don’t interest us.” Bob states.
“Oo Bob! There are cup holders! And a built in sat nav!” I yell excitedly from the truck.
“Jesus Christ! Give me strength.” Bob sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Oooo shiny!” I sing from the truck.
“Just give us a damn price so I can get the hell out of here.” Bob moans.
“It’s $20,000. It has ten thousand miles on the clock and it’s only a year old. I think you'll agree that it’s a very good deal.” Wyatt states.
I start honking the horn.
“Out the way bitches, I've got me a new truck.” I laugh.
“She’ll take the damn truck.” Bob sighs.