I get out of the bath and dry off, chucking on sweats and Jay’s favourite hoodie. I crawl into bed.
Bob comes in with a fresh coffee and a slice of pie. I smile.
“Here, don’t listen to him. He doesn’t mean it, but you know that right?” I shrug and take the pie and coffee.
Bob sits on the edge of the bed.
“Men sometimes can’t handle certain feelings. We are simple, stupid creatures and we like to keep it that way. When we meet the right woman that all changes. For example, my wife says men are black, white, and grey. Women are all of the colours of the world. Which is true, us men go about our lives until that one woman comes into it and turns our world completely upside down. Suddenly our dull and boring life becomes this wonderful explosion of colours.” Bob smiles and shrugs.
“Bob, I’m not in Gaige’s life, Amy is. It makes no sense why he’s being such an arsehole to me.” I point out.
“Ahh but you are the one that brought the colours into his life, not Amy. That’s why he’s so bent out of shape about it all. Amy isn’t his explosion of colours, you are.” Bob pats my leg and leaves.
“But we aren’t together! He doesn’t want my colours and I'm not giving him my colours. Bob, you’re not making sense.” I yell at him.
I sigh and take a bite of the pie. I moan.
“Oh my god this pie is amazing!” I yell to Bob.
I need this recipe, it’s the best cherry pie I’ve ever tasted.
I spend the rest of the day sprawled out on my bed searching for wall art for the bakery and other accessories. The work is almost done and I’m one step closer to opening. As soon as my own kitchen is done I will be practicing and perfecting my recipes. I miss baking so much, it has always centred me. I love watching people’s reaction and seeing their appreciation of the food I bake for them.
Over the coming days I try to get out more. I head to the Sunken Ship for some lunch on a couple of the days. The people there smile and chat. I'm finally starting to feel more like a resident and less like a visitor.
I walk to the grocery store to pick up some supplies. We are supposed to be getting a snowstorm over the next few days and I don’t plan on venturing out when it hits.
I walk into the store and the bell above the door chimes.
“Morning Nellie, morning Eric!” I sing happily as I walk in.
I grab my basket and browse the aisles, grabbing bread, milk, and butter. I turn the corner and walk into a hard chest.
“Sorry.” I apologise.
I look up and see it’s Gaige. I roll my eyes.
“Damn it, I was in such a good mood.” I complain.
Gaige doesn’t say anything, he just stands in front of me, looking at me. I wave my hand in front of his face.
“Hello, Gaige, are you in there? Got any insults you want to throw at me while I'm standing directly in front of you?” I ask waving my arms around.
I start to move around him but he reaches out and grabs my arm.
“I am truly sorry for everything.” He apologises, his voice quiet.
“Huh?” I ask.
“Gaige, shall I get six eggs or a dozen?” Amy asks as she walks up to us. She stops when she sees Gaige holding my arm. He immediately lets go and turns to Amy.
“Get a dozen, just to be sure.” He says.
I shake my head, wondering if I just stepped into the twilight zone.
I grab the rest of my things which of course includes wine and chocolate.
I pay for my things and Nellie reaches for my hand.