Page 88 of Tiers of Joy

“You still have 4 weeks to go?” I asks stunned.

She smiles.

“Your first pregnancy, right?”

I nod.

“Well, I hate to tell you this but the last weeks are when the baby gains weight. I was twice this size with junior over there.”

“You are shitting me?” I ask, my jaw hitting the floor.

She laughs.

“No, I was huge. Let me tell you one piece of advice, it’s the best and the worst time of your life all rolled into nine months. It’s the most amazing feeling in the world having a life grow inside you, but it’s the most exhausting and uncomfortable time too. It’s worth it though when you hold that tiny baby in your arms. There is a bond and a love so strong, so powerful, you will never feel that way about anyone else. Believe me.”

“Ms Tucker.” A nurse calls.

I stand and turn to the woman.

“Good luck and thank you.” I smile.

“You too honey.”

I walk in the room and the doctor greets me.

“Hi there, I’m doctor Rosie Fealan. Please lay down on the couch and lift your top and lower your waistband.” She asks.

I do as she said and she squeezes some cold gel liquid onto my stomach. I suck in a breath at the coldness.

“Sorry. It always catches people off guard. Okay, let’s have a look shall we.” She says, moving the wand like thing around my lower stomach.

“Ah there we go! One healthy looking baby.” She says and she turns the screen for me to see.

There on a screen in black and grey is a tiny baby. A baby bean. I can see its little nose and its little arms and legs moving about. I can’t keep back the tears from falling.

“Wow, that’s really my baby.” I whisper.

She nods and smiles.

“Let’s just take some measurements and see how far along you are.” She says moving the wand in certain angles.

“Okay I would say you are around eleven weeks pregnant today. Baby is lovely and healthy. If I turn this up you’ll be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat.” She smiles and suddenly the room is filled with the sounds of my baby’s heartbeat.

“That’s the baby?” I ask.

“Sure is.” She smiles.

“Would you like some photos to take home?” She asks.

“Yes please.” I say, wiping my tears, unable to take my eyes off the screen.

She prints them off and hands them to me while the nurse wipes the remaining gel off my stomach.

“Right, I would like to see you back here in a weeks time for blood tests. Then there will be another scan at twenty weeks. And you will be able to find out the sex of the baby if you choose.” She smiles.

“Thank you.” I say staring at my photos as I leave the hospital.

I get in my truck and I cry. I place my hand over my stomach.