Page 87 of Tiers of Joy

“Please don’t mention this to Gaige, the pregnancy, I mean.” I ask.

“I wouldn’t have divulged anything to anyone unless you specifically told me too.” He affirms.

“Thank you.” I say, staring out of the window.

About an hour later Gaige comes barrelling up the stairs looking all panicked.

“Esme?” He calls.

“Yeah.” I answer back.

He comes straight to me on my bed and cups my face.

“Are you okay? I heard you blacked out while working.” He asks concerned.

I smile.

“I’m fine, just low blood sugar is all. I hadn’t eaten much and Amy was off sick. Doc checked me over and I’m good.” I lie.

“Thank god. Why didn’t you call me?” He asks.

“I knew you were busy with work and knew it would take a while for you to get here. Plus who needs to phone anyone? This town’s gossip spreads quicker than the speed of light.” I laugh.

Gaige smiles and kisses me softly.

“Let me order in. I will go pick it up for us.” He says kissing my head.

He rings Eloise and I feel awful lying to him but I can’t tell him yet. I don’t know how far along I am or anything. We’ve technically only been seeing each other properly for what, a week? It’s insane! That one fantastic night has to be the cause of this. So that would mean I’m around ten weeks! Holy shit. I need to keep it together tonight and I will tell him after the scan tomorrow.

“Just tonight.” I mutter to myself.

We eat our dinner and Gaige can tell something isn’t right with me. I tell him I’m just not feeling right.

He’s sweet and attentive. He writes a sign and puts it on the bakery door. He also texts Josie and Amy telling them bakery is shut tomorrow.

“Come on beautiful, let’s get you to bed.” He holds his hand out for me and leads me to bed.

He pulls me into his arms and holds me until I fall asleep.

The next morning Gaige makes me some toast and orders me to eat it.

“I will call Bob and tell him I won’t be in. You’re more important than work.” He states.

“I will be fine, go. I’m just going to laze about and rest. I have a new book I want to read anyway so you being here will just get in the way of that.” I smile.

“Fine. I will call you when I’m on my break.” He kisses me goodbye and leaves.

I creep to the window and watch him drive off. I look at the time and quickly get dressed and grab my bag and keys. I jump in my truck, hoping none of the town have seen me and are gossiping about where I'm going.

I park up at the hospital and follow the signs to the prenatal unit. As I walk in there are pregnant women everywhere. Some look huge and so uncomfortable. There’s one woman who is heavily pregnant and has a toddler with her who is running around like he’s just injected sugar into his veins.

She sits next to me and groans. She’s rubbing her stomach.

“How far along?” She asks.

“Oh um, not sure. Waiting for the scan to tell me. You?” I ask.

“Thirty-five weeks today, four more weeks to go and that’s if I don’t go overdue.” She says smiling. Smiling?! What has this woman got to smile about? She is the size of a buffalo and she still has four weeks to go! I mean how much bigger can she get?!