“She is?” Abby whispered. Nellie had been so lovely when she’d found out they were seeing each other, but did she really already want Abby as a part of the family?
“Please. You know my mom. She’s been planning it since the day she came to pick up Katy from school when you had your migraine.”
“Abigail Cooper. You told me you weren’t having headaches any more.”
Her eyes rolled and landed on her boyfriend, who was about to be in serious trouble for dropping that information in her mother’s lap.
“Sorry, baby.” The smile on his face told her he wasn’t sorry at all.
“Mom, look, we need to know where Sam is so that we can break the news to him, too.”
“Make sure the cattle prod is out of his hands before you do. The branding iron too. Your tattoos are lovely, John, but I’d really hate for you to get stuck wearing the Red River Ranch logo for the rest of your life.”
John laughed. “Actually, I don’t think I would mind that. I know how much the ranch meant to Abby’s dad, and how much he means to Abby. It’d be an honor to wear it.”
“Oh, he’s a keeper for sure, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, I think so too, Mom.” She looked through the kitchen to the backyard.
“Are you ready to try and track down Sam?” John asked as his hand slid across the small of her back.
“Yeah. I guess so.”
“Good luck, honey. I’m sure he’ll be happy for you both.”
“Maybe stand by the phone just in case we need you to call for help,” Abby joked.
“I’m sure I could have Hank over here in a heartbeat if we really needed, but I don’t think you’re giving your brother enough credit.”
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”
She gave her mother a quick hug, and laughed when she saw her also pull John into an embrace before they walked out of the house.
“I’m glad your mom was so happy about the two of us being together. Maybe that is some positive foreshadowing to how Sam will take it?”
John’s hand was gripping her thigh as they bounced down the gravel road on their way to the south field. Of course her brother would be on the furthest part of the property. If he tried to kill John, how the hell would she get help out there?
“Baby? That had to have gone better than you were thinking.”
“It did.”
“So, the scowl is for…”
“I’m just trying to plan how to get emergency services all the way out here when Sam tries to kill you.”
John laughed, lifting his hand from her leg. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips.
“Everything is going to be fine. I think Sam is going to be happy for us.”
“You’re the protective older brother.”
“You’re the protective older brother. That’s why you don’t see how badly this is going to go. It’s because you’re the protector of your brothers. If Jackson or Jordan were here, they’d understand.”
“You’d rather Jackson or Jordan be here?”