She couldn’t help the way her head whipped to his, only to see the mischievous smile spreading across her face.
“That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m just saying, you’re not thinking clearly because you’ve never faced a protective older sibling. You’ve always been that.”
Their truck crested a small hill and Abby’s stomach dropped. Two ranch trucks were parked outside the remote equipment building her father had built, including the bright red one that Sam favored and drove each day.
“It’s now or never, baby.”
“Never, please,” she whispered, earning a chuckle from John.
They rode silently until John pulled next to Sam’s truck. Her brother, along with Zeke and Derrick, turned towards them.
“John? Abby? What’s going on? Why are you out here?” Sam asked as he walked towards them.
“Everything’s fine. I just needed to talk to you about something.” The sun beat down on Abby and she could already feel the sweat dripping down her back. It wasn’t just the sun’s fault, but she’d blame it on that rather than the nerves that churned in her stomach. John placed his hand in the small of her back and Abby watched as Sam’s eye widened at the gesture.
“Hey, Zeke,” Sam called out. “You and Derrick head back up to the barn and grab the wire we need to fix that section of fencing.”
“You got it, Boss.” Zeke gave a short wave to Abby, which she returned with a forced smile.
“Let’s get out of the sun.” Sam gestured towards the utility building with his head. Abby followed him into the small shed.
“Just come out with it, Abby.” Her brother was fidgeting with the edges of his hat looking between her and John with suspicion. Shit. She might as well just come out with it.
“John and I are dating.”
Sam stared between the two of them, his face going pale. Her stomach clenched when he didn’t say anything.
“This wasn’t some?—”
“When did it start?” he asked, cutting her off.
“It wasn’t any?—”
“I wasn’t asking you, Abby. When did it start, John?”
“I’ve had feelings for Abby since the first night I saw her. But I didn’t pursue anything with her until she moved into Bell Ridge.” He looked away from Sam, directly into Abby’s eyes. “I love her, Sam.”
“Love?” The word snapped out of his mouth. “And you just didn’t say anything to me because? Fuck.”
“We’re friends. I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of your sister, or holding some sort of power over her because of what happened when she was attacked.”
Abby squeezed John’s hand.
“It’s not like that at all, Sam. He’s literally been the most supportive, understanding, and kind person. He’s been teaching me self-defense moves an?—”
“Why the fuck do you need to know that stuff? Are you in some sort of trouble?” There was a fine sheen of sweat on his forehead.
“No. I just don’t want to feel powerless if something happens again.”
“You should come live back on the ranch. I can protect you here. It’s my job.”
“It’s not anymore,” John said.
“What did you just say?”
“It’s not your job anymore, Sam. It’s my job. I’m all in when it comes to Abby.” John’s eyes never left Sam’s but Abby felt the tension slowly leave his body as he tucked her in closer to his side. “Look, we’ve been buddies for how many years? Practically our whole lives, right?”
“Yeah. So I’m not sure how you thought getting into a relationship with mybabysister was a good idea.”