“It’s cute. I like the porch.”
“When I was a little girl, I’d sit on the tire swing out in front of our house and look over at that porch. I’d pretend I lived there.”
“Yeah. Always thought it would be fun to walk out onto it at dinner time and call my kids home from a day of playing outside.”
“That paints a really pretty picture. I’m imagining you doing that, just barefoot and pregnant.”
His hand slid onto her thigh, and he squeezed.
Abby laughed. “I thought your need to carry me was bad, but this pregnancy thing is starting to take over.”
“I won’t apologize for knowing you’ll make an amazing mom one day. No, scratch that. You’ve been stepping into that role with Katy and she’s so happy. You already are an amazing mom and I won’t apologize for wanting to fill up our house with a bunch of babies who have their mama’s beautiful eyes.”
“Do we have to do this today? I’d much rather practice making babies with you.” Her voice held just a tinge of a whine in it.
“Nice try. Although, we don’t have to pick up Katy from Jackson’s until this afternoon. There might be some time left over depending on how well your mom and brother take the news. But we do need to tell them. You ready?” John asked as he parked the truck in front of her mom’s house.
She closed her eyes, letting her head fall back against the rest. “I’m not the one who’s going to get punched if Sam doesn’t take the news well.”
“Do you honestly think your brother would hit me?”
“Yes.” She hadn’t hesitated. Sam had always taken the protective big brother role seriously, but after their dad passed away, he hovered like a mother hen.
“Sweetheart! I didn’t think you were coming by today. I’m so happy to see you.” Her mother’s arms wrapped around her tightly as they stood on the front porch. “John, how are you, honey?”
“I’m good Ms. Sylvie. My mom says hello and she hopes you’ll make it to the Christmas pageant.”
“Oh, well, you tell her I said hello, too, and that I’ll try my hardest. I imagine Katy and Jack will be in it this year?”
John removed his hat as he stepped into the house. His hand ran through his hair, pushing it back into place after his hat ruffled it. The move was so incredibly sexy Abby had to bite the inside of her cheek and search for Sam just to stop herself from pulling him upstairs to her old bedroom.
“Yes, ma’am. She roped the grand kids in. Katy’s playing an angel and Jack is a sheep. They got Hank and Daisy to let them use Sunny as the baby Jesus.”
“How precious. I don’t know how I can say no to that.”
“She’ll be happy to hear you’re going.”
“So, is that why you both are out here? To invite me to the pageant? Are you helping with that sweetheart?”
“No, Mom. I mean, I’ll be there, but John and I came out to talk to you and Sam.”
“Oh.” Her mother’s eyebrows rose towards her hairline. “So, it’s about the two of you?”
“Is Sam around?”
“No, he’s out working with Zeke and Derrick. Is everything okay? I mean, is John here as a deputy or…”
“I’m fine, Mom. John and I are dating, and we wanted to share that with you.”
“Oh honey! I’m so happy for you. I saw this in the cards this morning.” Her mother picked up an old deck of tarot cards and began shuffling them. “I am surprised it’s this news… I saw something about a long term change for our family, but it hadn’t felt like this. But I’m so happy! It’s amazing news! Maybe in a few years my own grandbabies will be in the Christmas pageant.”
“Mom…” Abby’s face flushed as her mother held the cards close to her chest.
“Of course, when you get married, Katy will be my granddaughter. Oh my goodness, I’m so excited. Have you told your parents about you two being together, John? If I call your mom will it ruin the surprise?”
“She knows,” he laughed. “And I’m sure she’d love a phone call to discuss it. That woman is already planning our wedding and honeymoon.”