“Paul!” she shrieked.
Jonah would impale him, and Paul would die trying to defend her.
Paul’s hand darted out and grabbed Jonah’s wrist. Jonah shrieked and she could swear she heard bones break. Jonah released the knife, grabbing his injured wrist and cursing.
“I’m done with you,” Paul said, darting behind Jonah and grasping his neck. The man flailed and then slumped in the chair, unmoving and eyes closed.
Paul released him and straightened. His gaze swung to Shay. “One moment,” he said with a warm smile. The words were a promise. In one moment, Paul would come for her and she would hug him tight.
He darted back into the cockpit and returned moments later with a backpack. Swooping his gun off the ground, he put the pieces together and the gun in a holster on his hip. He tugged open the backpack and pulled out some zip-ties, then shoved the unconscious Jonah onto his face on the floor and zip-tied his legs and his hands and then zip-tied each to the metal underside of the chairs.
Shay was stunned and awed by him. Gratitude filled her. Itwas a marvel how quick she’d gone from imminent death to inspiring rescue.
Paul glanced at the other men as if confirming they were dead. Shay’s gut churned again. Paul had killed three men to save her life. She would be forever grateful, but the loss of more life sickened her. She prayed it wouldn’t be disturbing to Paul.
The oxygen rushed out of her lungs as he turned to her. He was the epitome of every girlish dream she’d ever had. He was disheveled from the fight with Jonah, and it only made him more appealing. He’d fought and won, rescued her from death and worse. He’d come for her.
She let out a whimper and sprung up to hug him fiercely. Well, she tried. Her seat belt caught her and she got nowhere.
Paul’s brown eyes filled with concern. He hurried to her and bent down, easily unclasping the seat belt. The soft brush of his fingers against her abdomen and the appealing warmth that rose from his fingers were such a contrast to the other men’s touches that more tears came to her eyes.
“Shay.” His voice was gentle. “You’re okay now. It’s over. I’m here.”
“You saved me!” she cried out.
She’d gone from the horror of certain assault and death to safety. Because of him. Paul was here for her. He’d proven himself even more of a hero than their hometown exalted him as. She had no choice but to show him exactly how grateful she was and how incredible he was.
She flung her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. Paul startled and she feared she’d been too impetuous.
Then he returned the kiss. He pressed her back into the seat and took command of her lips with warm, persuasive, deliciousmovements that changed her entire vision of this night. This kiss could change the trajectory of her future.
She was not only safe, warm, and cherished, but she was full of sparks, light, and had found the love of her life. He tasted clean and fresh. He smelled like sandalwood and musk, the most perfect manly smell on earth.
Paul broke away from the kiss, straightened, and helped her to her feet. She was stunned and disoriented but still safe and protected.
“We’ve got to go,” he said, his voice urgent. He slung his backpack over his shoulder.
“You’ll never escape,” Jonah snarled, peering up at them from the floor.
Shay startled. She hadn’t realized he’d woken up.
“Watch us,” Paul shot back. He bent down to Jonah, grabbed the back of his neck again, and Jonah slumped back to the floor. Paul slid the phone out of Jonah’s pocket, powered it off, and placed it in his backpack. Then he gave her a confident smile and took her hand, leading her toward the plane’s exit. “He’ll be out longer the second time and he can thank me for the headache.”
They hurried through a side door and into the warm night air. She winced as they left the concrete and her feet hit the gritty sand and pebbles beyond.
Paul hardly paused as he swooped her off the ground and against his chest. Shay’s stomach dropped, but this time it was a happy pitch. When the man earlier had picked her up, it had been horrifying. Paul lifting her made her feel safe, protected, and full of desire for him. She was even grateful at this moment that monster had forced her to chew the breath mints. Shearched up to kiss Paul again. Her lips brushed his jawline as he turned his head to survey their surroundings.
He rushed into the night, and she had to wrap her arms around his neck and hold on tight. Disappointment stung from the missed kiss, but she understood they needed distance from Jonah and whatever other criminals might be coming.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“I’ve got a plane at a different airfield,” he explained. He moved quickly with her in his arms, as if she was no burden at all. She’d never felt such an incredible sensation. She was floating in Paul’s strong, sure, and perfect embrace.
Half a minute later, he stopped. She peered through the darkness to see a sleek-looking black motorcycle. It fit her hero perfectly.
“The getaway vehicle,” he said with a gallant wink.
He slid her feet to the ground and released her, pulling out his phone. She felt bereft without his touch and wrapped her arms around herself, shivering. It wasn’t cold outside, but her suit was damp and she was feeling a combination of the letdown of Paul not touching her and shock as her mind spun through everything that had transpired tonight. Now that the action was done, she was processing, and the replay was almost as horrifying as the first take.