The other men obeyed, but Jonah didn’t. He stayed leaning over her, smiling. His teeth were white, a stark contrast to his tattooed face. His breath smelled sweet even though his body odor was rank.

The plane’s engine revved and Shay knew her life was over. They’d taxi out of here, lift into the air, and then the vile Jonah would ‘have his fun’ as Paul had said. She still couldn’t wrap her mind around Paul Braven saying that or dismissing her. Tears stung her eyes, disappointment in Paul not being a hero, pain of Jonah’s harsh treatment, and fear of what was coming.

Darian had quietly intoned to her and her parents for years that Paul was no hero and not worthy of their town’s emulation. She’d listened and had been sympathetic to her brother’s heartbreak, but inside she’d known Darian was embittered because his fiancée Carrie had flung herself at Paul in a very publicdisplay before taking off on a mountain bike, crashing, and dying. She felt awful for Darian and revered her brother, but she had always secretly believed he was wrong this one time and Paul was perfect.

Turns out she was the one who was wrong. Their entire town had been duped by the handsome Lieutenant Paul Braven.

What an awful realization to have before she was raped and murdered.

Shay blinked and glared at Jonah. He was bigger than any of the other men, but she would fight and scratch and kick and bite and vomit and anything else she could think of. If she could, she’d force them to knock her out or kill her.

How had her life plummeted to this horrific moment?

The cockpit door flew open and banged loudly against the wall. Paul stood framed in it, a pistol in hand. His dark eyes filled with determination and confidence. He fired in quick succession.

Lyle banged back against a seat, blood streaming from his forehead. Handsome Jaden sprawled to the side, blood streaming from his throat. Ross stood and yanked out his own pistol. Paul shot him square in the chest. He clutched at his chest and sank into a seat. Paul fired again and he didn’t move, his gun clattering to the floor.

Jonah sprawled over top of her and yelled, “You shoot me, she could die.”

Paul did some tough guy from a movie type of action hero rizz where he separated the two pieces of the gun and dropped them in different directions.

“I won’t shoot you,” he said, calm and heroic and perfect.

Paul was good and true, and he was saving her! Shay’s heart soared with joy, though the foul and massive Jonah pressed ontop of her was far from encouraging. Why had Paul dropped his gun?

Jonah arched back to look at Paul better, maybe surprised by the move as well.

“I need someone for the police to question,” Paul said with a smirk.

He dove across the space and Superman-punched Jonah in the face. He ripped the man off her and shoved him back into another set of seats.

Jonah fought back, his fists a whirl as he hit Paul.

She winced and cried out as Paul was driven back. “No!”

Paul glanced at her and gave her a reassuring and beautiful smile. His white teeth, the skin crinkling at the edges of his eyes and mouth and slight dimples appearing in his cheeks made her heart race out of control for a completely different reason than it had all night.

Jonah roared and knocked Paul back with several vicious hits.

Shay tried to jump up and help somehow. Her seatbelt held her fast. She fumbled to release it, but her hands were trembling too violently.

“Please help Paul win,” she begged heaven above.

Paul gave her a smirk and said, “Come on, Shay. Have a little faith. I was just making him feel like he had a chance.”

Shay’s eyes widened, awe and adoration filled her.

Jonah cursed and swung even more viciously. Paul dodged Jonah’s assault and moved in closer, which terrified Shay. Shouldn’t they be running from this brute? Paul was strong, but he was tall and lean. Jonah was thick and would likely fight dirty.

Paul drove the monster back into a chair with precise jabs.The muscles in Paul’s back were outlined by the shirt and the striations in his arms were a work of art as he pummeled the now whining Jonah. He bloodied Jonah’s nose and split his lip, and Shay couldn’t help but grin.

“Yay!” Shay cheered. “You’re fire!”

She didn’t love violence, but her hometown hero dismantling the man who would’ve murdered her was something to cheer for.

Paul grinned and she knew all was right in the world.

Then a flash of metal appeared in Jonah’s hand.