Paul pushed a button on his phone, looking at her in concern. He touched her arm. “It’ll be okay.”
She nodded, hugging herself and shaking.
“Aiden,” Paul said into the phone. “The plan imploded. My cover’s blown. I’m headed back to the Gulfstream. I have an innocent in tow who needs protective custody. Three perps dead, one tied up in their plane. Left him alive for questioning.” He paused then. “Thanks. Hopefully they can get some infofrom the live one. I’ve got his phone. I’ll leave it in the hangar.” A pause. “Yes. I’ll check in soon.”
He shoved his phone back in his pocket and turned to her. “Shay.” His voice was gentle, and he wrapped his warm palms around both of her hands. “You’ve been so brave. Can you hold it together a little longer? I’ll get you somewhere safe.”
“Thank you.” Her voice trembled and she bit her lip. She wanted to cling to him, to kiss him again. When she’d been kissing him, she hadn’t thought about any of the revulsion and shock of this night. Being kidnapped, knowing she’d die soon, those disgusting men touching her and threatening her, Meacham and Turner probably dead…
Paul released her hands, grasped the bottom of his shirt, and slid it up and over his head. Shay gaped at his chest. Before this nightmare, she had spent most of her days in the swimming pool with ultra-fit men. She’d never seen a chest to compare with this one—broad, shredded orswoleas her teenage friends would say, tanned, perfect. There were a myriad of reasons every girl from home, including her, crushed on Paul Braven, and she was hyper-focused on one of those beautiful reasons right now.
“Apologies for stripping, but you were shivering.” He gave her a confident smile that made her knees weak, held up his shirt, and slid it over her head.
Shay shrugged into the shirt sleeves and felt the soft cotton cover her down to her elbows and halfway to her knees. She was tall for a woman, but Paul had to be at least six-four.
The half-way unbuttoned neckline drooped to the side. She tried to straighten it and saw Paul’s eyes dip to her collarbone then quickly away. She was grateful to be covered, even if those awful men weren’t around to ogle her. Paul’s glance was verydifferent—admiring and respectful. His gaze made her warm and filled her with joyful anticipation.
Would they spend more time together? Kiss again? That kiss would not leave her mind. Had it affected him at all?
“Thank you,” she murmured.
“Of course. Part of the rescue package.” He winked.
She flushed with heat at his wink. Before she could ask if she were only a rescue detail or if she was special and another kiss was part of the rescue package, he pulled the backpack off his shoulder. “Can you wear this for me so you can …” He swallowed and said more quietly, “get close to me on the bike.”
“Of course.” He wanted to be close on the bike? Cuddled close to her heroic rescuer sounded like the cure for any lingering fear or pain those men had caused. This night was such a contrast of emotion she could hardly keep up. From horror and revulsion around her kidnappers and would-be murderers to the warmth and safety that Paul offered her.
“For your safety,” he clarified, but something in his brown eyes said he wouldn’t mind her close for reasons that had nothing to do with her safety. He swung the backpack onto her back and secured the clasp at her sternum. The shirt shifted and draped below her collarbone again. His fingers brushed her skin and lingered.
Shay stared at him. A yearning she’d never experienced walloped her. The men she’d dated in college and since had been great guys—fun, kind, interesting. None of them held a candle to Paul Braven.
She swayed on her feet. Paul moved his hand to her elbow, steadied her, then gave her a closed-off smile as if he were trying to distance himself and not become emotionally involved. She wanted to cry out a protest, but she’d cried out far too muchtonight and wouldn’t force this stud of a man to be interested in her.
He swung onto the bike and gestured behind him. “Let’s get out of here.”
She lifted her right leg over the back wheel. There was a fender over the wheel but no back rest. In fact, there was hardly any space for her. No wonder he wanted her wearing the backpack to keep her safe from slipping off the back.
“This lovely rocket is not designed for two,” Paul said as if guessing her thoughts.
Rocket? This thing looked like a rocket. It was lovely. She should be terrified to cling to Paul on the back of this speedy-looking machine, but after the terror of earlier tonight, a fast ride on a motorcycle held no fear for her.
“You’ll have to hold on tight to me and be careful not to get your leg close to the muffler.”
Shay slid into the small space on the seat behind him as he pulled himself forward. She pressed tight against his back. Snaking her arms around his midsection, her hands wrapped around the muscles of his abdomen.
“Fire,” she murmured.
Paul chuckled, but it was unsteady. His body trembled slightly against hers, reassuring her she wasn’t alone in the unexpected emotions he created in her.
He inserted and turned the key on the bike. It roared to life. He clicked it into gear with his left foot, held onto the wide handles, and they eased along the gravel road. The small airport appeared deserted. They left it behind quickly and raced along a quiet highway. Paul smoothly shifted through the gears and increased their speed.
Shay laid her cheek against his broad back and clung to Paul.The absence of fear was noticeable. They soared along the highway as if they were floating. It was as bussin’ as the sensation of swimming when she was in the zone in an Olympic-sized pool.
If someone would’ve told her she’d be kidnapped and almost killed tonight, she may have believed them because of the danger she was in testifying against Big T next week. But that Paul Braven would rescue her and she’d be cuddled against him and racing away on a motorcycle almost as beautiful as he was? She would’ve scoffed.
Everything about tonight seemed surreal. But Paul was right here. He had rescued her and made her feel safe. He felt so good to hold onto the shock and horror of earlier was pushed aside.