
Retired Air ForceReconnaissance Lieutenant Paul Braven risked his life most days of the week. He had for many years. He’d been on disturbing missions, had taken life and lost close friends. He’d felt fear for himself and others and horror at the depravity mankind was capable of.

He didn’t think he’d ever been so off his game and out of sorts as he was right now.

Shay Cannon, the formerly ‘adorable little Shay’, his old friend Darian’s baby sister, was all grown up, had almost been raped and murdered by heartless criminals, and was currently clinging to him on the back of Aiden’s Triumph Rocket.

When he’d heard a woman scream, rushed out of the cockpit, and zeroed in on the teal eyes of Shay Cannon, the world had stopped spinning. His mind had made up for the lack of the earth’s rotations by spinning out of control. How could Shay be in the hands of filth like he was supposed to infiltrate and how was he going to rescue her from four armed thugs?

Now as they sped along the highway, he had to continually remind himself she was safe and they were racing away from the danger. His heart was thumping as fast as it had when he’d formulated his plan, prayed, drawn his pistol, burst out of the cockpit, and started firing.

Four to one was never great odds and he knew he had to hit hard and fast. He’d been trained by the toughest and most demanding instructors in the U.S. Air Force and then his skills had been sharpened by the gifted and famed Aiden Porter. He knew how to triumph and how to take care of himself. It was Shay’s safety that had his heart racing earlier tonight. Though he had to admit that Shay herself was now increasing his beats per minute.

He appreciated this beauty of a motorcycle, enjoyed the feel of racing on it through the night. He savored the feel of Shay pressed tight, her soft cheek resting against his bare back, her hands and arms wrapped around his bare abdomen a million times more. He’d give up riding motorcycles for life if he could have Shay cling to him like this instead.

He blinked and refocused. Shay was off limits. Just because she was all grown up did not mean he could date her. Her brother Darian despised him. Darian blamed Paul for his fiancée Carrie betraying him when Carrie threw herself at Paul, kissing him in front of the entire town. Later that day, Carrie had come to see Paul at his parents’ home to declare her love, forcing him to reject her a second time, before she raced off on a mountain bike.

He’d tried to call Darian after she left his house, but his friend had already blocked his number. He hadn’t known what to do. He’d been worried about her racing off on a trail byherself sobbing but it wasn’t really something to call 911 about. He’d regrettably done nothing.

Carrie crashed, tragically bled to death from a head wound, and no one found her until later that night. Paul had lamented his role in her death and Darian’s heartbreak ever since.

Only the sheriff, his parents, and two pastors knew that Paul was the last person to speak with Carrie before she died. They’d all told him he wasn’t at fault and it was an accident, but he’d lived with the burden for years, not comfortable with it but having no idea how to relieve it. Darian would never forgive him, especially if he knew the entire truth. No way could Paul come between Shay and her only brother.

Shay was in a horrific situation, clinging to him for safety and in gratitude. She was not throwing herself at him. Yet she’d kissed him. Wow, had she kissed him! No kiss had been that mind-blowing, tantalizing, and incredible. Not for him.

He’d extended the kiss, even though he should’ve been rushing her off the plane. That wasn’t smart. He needed to keep his head on straight, get her to safety, and go back to square one of infiltrating a crew or organization associated with the nefarious and at-large Benjamin Oliver. They had to find the brilliant monster. It was about a load of people being safe, and justice for the man’s multitude of crimes.

Aiden’s tech team believed the men on that plane were affiliated with Benjamin and would provide their easiest infiltration opportunity so far. They’d gained access to their plane’s location and their pilot’s cell phone. They’d worked their magic, intercepted and rewritten texts and Paul had been the pilot who got the access codes and showed up tonight while the other pilot planned to be there tomorrow.

Paul had messed up the opportunity. Everyone mademistakes on missions, but it was rare for Paul. This time he’d thrown the mission plan to the wind.

Shay shifted closer to him and his protective instincts flared. He’d ruin every mission if it meant keeping Shay Cannon, or any innocent person, safe. When he’d seen her, looking far too enticing in only her swimsuit, being groped and eyed like she was a four-course meal by those foul jerks, he’d barely kept his head on. He’d realized there was no way he was letting her fly to Dallas in those men’s reach.

He had been telling the truth that he’d watched some of the Olympic trials, but he hadn’t seen Shay in person in years. The rare times he’d gone home, she hadn’t been around. She was very much grown up. Very much.

He couldn’t dwell on that. Safe. He needed to discuss options for a safe space for her with Aiden. Since Paul’s cover was blown, and the police would most likely want to chat about the three men he’d killed, maybe he should disappear with her.

Shay’s hands moved against his bare abdomen. Heat blasted through him and it had nothing to do with a sultry August night in the Valley of the Sun.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to focus. Get Shay somewhere safe. Staying with her was a firm no if he couldn’t keep his thoughts in line. If he was alone with this new to him and yet still familiar Shay Cannon, he would likely make all kinds of mistakes. Most of them personal.

He turned into the small, private airport that housed one of Aiden’s hangars where Paul had left the Gulfstream. Aiden had four business jets. Paul was his main pilot, but they had a list of competent pilots they trusted for the many flights Paul couldn’t take.

Working for Aiden was his life’s work and as fulfilling as hisservice in the Air Force. He not only flew often, but he was constantly on missions that rivaled the demands and dangers of being a special ops lieutenant. Aiden told him often that he appreciated the variety of skills Paul possessed. He was valuable and needed in the fight against crime. He had no desire to retire or settle down and find the love of his life as some of his friends had. His work had always been his life and his focus.

Shay’s soft hair blew across his back. His pulse quickened and he lost his train of thought. Luckily, they were almost there. He needed some distance from this enticing lady. Pronto.

Reaching the gate of the small airport, he idled the bike. He placed his feet on the asphalt and typed in the code. The gate opened and he slowly drove through.

They made it to the hangar a minute later. He stopped the bike and reached back for his backpack that Shay was wearing. Shay moved to slide off the bike. He grasped her leg and held her there. The warm flesh under his hand rendered him speechless. She stared at him as he pivoted to her. Surely they had a few minutes to kiss. The vision of lifting her onto his lap on this powerful and beautiful road bike would be the fulfillment of dreams he’d never formulated in his mind. He was planning them all out now and wondered what he’d wasted the last thirty-five years on.

No! He was keeping Shay safe. Apparently from himself as well as outside influences.

Please, Lord, help my errant thoughts.

“Stay on the bike and we’ll protect those feet,” he tried to tease. “I just need to click the opener in the backpack.”

“Okay.” Her voice was breathless. She handed the backpack over. He reached into a side pocket and pulled out a remote. He typed in a code to inform the security team it was him accessing the hangar, then waited for a beep before pushing a button toopen the door. The large hangar door slid up seamlessly. The only person he knew who had more money, gadgets, and top-of-the-line possessions than criminals was Aiden.