I’m tired of running. I’m tired of men like Agonizer deciding my fate.
Maybe it’s time to push back.
I’m not ready to risk what I have yet, but I know there will come a day when I have to. And I hope you’re there to see it.
I tossedmy bag into the back of the truck, turning to find the guys watching. I smiled, pure happiness radiating out of me. Brooks was taking me with him to the rodeo. I was excited to see him in action and for some alone time without the others.
Since Bubba gave in to me and his feelings, he’d been a different man. He was affectionate and possessive, channeling all the anger and avoidance he had into more productive forms of communication. Such as, whenever I was in his sight, he would pull me into him or cup his hand to my leg, neck, or hip, making it known I was his.
It was a heady and exhilarating feeling.
Between the three of them, I rarely sat in my own seat anymore since they would pull me into their laps whenever I was near. The more they touched and cherished me, the easier I fell head over heels in love with the three men.
“You won’t let her out of your sight,” Bubba demanded, not making it a question.
“I’m not going to. She’s going to sit with a trusted friend while I’m riding. Otherwise, she’ll be right by my side. I promise.”
Bubba grunted, rubbing his beard as he thought. “I want regular check-ins.”
Rolling my eyes, I walked forward, pulling on his shirt for him to lean down. “We’ll be fine. We’ve gone over my self-defense training from the Mavericks, and added some of your Bubba moves. If anyone tries anything, I’ll take them down.”
I snickered, making his face soften. Every night, we’d been training and reinforcing the things I’d learned all those years ago, along with some dirty fighting moves Bubba wanted me to know. It had gone a long way in helping me feel stronger and regaining control over my fear.
Kissing Bubba, I let go of his shirt as he growled, pulling me back to him. He wasn’t going to let me go until he was satisfied. Giggling, I stepped back when he was done, my cheeks already flushed. Bubba lifted his eyebrow, a satisfied look on his face.
Grayson pulled me into his arms before Brooks could claim me again. Giving me a passionate kiss, he spun me back out into Brooks' arms.
“Send dirty pics,” Grayson teased, winking as he pulled Bubba to go into the house.
Chuckling, I followed Brooks to the truck and climbed in. It was quiet as we got onto the highway, large trucks passing by as we merged.
“You excited?” I asked, unable to let the silence go on for too long.
“Yeah. It’s been a while since I had a spectator.” He glanced over at me, his face full of warmth.
“I’ve never been to a rodeo before,” I admitted. “What’s the best part?” I turned a little in my seat, resting my arms on the console so I could watch him easier as he talked.
Brooks’ face changed as he talked about the horses, the riders, and the different events. It was a whole new side of him that I was excited about witnessing.
“I hope I’m asking this the right way,” I hedged. “How come you’re not shy about rodeo? Seems like something you wouldn’t want to do? Be in the spotlight?”
“I don’t mind being in the spotlight. It’s just girls I’m shy around,” he said, his cheeks red at the admittance.
“Do you still feel shy around me?” I asked, curious.
He nodded, turning his head for a second to glance at me. “Oh yeah. Though, there’s also this confidence I have with you that I’ve never felt before. I think that the time we spent together beforehand helped me develop a foundation. I’m nervous, but it’s not the same intensity.”
“I’m glad. I don’t want to make you nervous.”
“It’s only in the best way, Darcie. I’m nervous because of how much I care for you. I don’t want to mess up.”