Page 101 of Music City Diaries

CB: I’m still waiting to hear if he gave in to our girl or not first.

Bubba: She smells of sunshine and honeysuckle.

It was quiet for a few before the phone blew up as multiple texts came through.

PB: Yes! Our brotherhood has a Queen.

PB: How is she? Did she survive?

PB: Who gave in first?

PB: I need the details.

CB: How’s Darcie?

Lifting the camera, I took a picture of her sleeping in my arms, her face serene.

Bubba: *pic attached*

Bubba: We’ll be back soon. I don’t want to wake her yet.

PB: God, she’s so fucking gorgeous.

CB: She looks peaceful. I guess that means, good job?

Bubba: You can ask her yourself. I’m not gossiping.

PB: You’re no fun. Hurry back.

CB: I’m happy for you, Waylon.

Bubba: Thanks, brothers. Sorry, it took me so long to believe.

Putting my phone back, I bent down, dropping a kiss on her forehead. Darcie stirred, and my whole world shifted, aligning with her as my center. I meant what I’d said to her. Once I had a taste, there would be no way I could walk away.

She was it for me. Whoever was chasing her just gained three protectors that they’d have to go through first.

Diary #14

Dear Dad,

I got a new bike the other day. It needs to be fixed up, but I can see the beautiful beast she’ll be when it’s done. I feel alive again in a way I haven’t felt since I left Mississippi.

I’m not as angry anymore. Mostly, just sad.

I’m sad that there wasn’t another way for us to continue. I’m sad I had to leave my whole life and family behind. But mostly, I’m sad that you haven’t gotten to be part of my life.

I hate the control Agonizer has and how he can get away with his shit.

I knew I had to run in the beginning because I was young and unprepared to lead. I needed these years to grow into myself as a person and believe in my strength.

And I do now. I’m strong and fierce, just like you taught me to be.

Recently, my life has grown to include three men. I doubt any father around wants to hear about their daughter and three men, but too bad. The price you pay for making me leave, I suppose.

They make me happy. They make me feel safe and show me how strong I’ve become.

But mainly, they’ve shown me love.