“Then trust that I’ll tell you if you do and help you figure out the rest.”
He grinned, nodding. “Okay.”
We listened to music for the rest of the trip, singing along to the ones we knew. He told me stories about him and the guys, making me laugh at some of the crazy things Grayson had done.
“Oh, I can’t wait to rib him about that.” I laughed, my sides hurting from the movement.
“You didn’t hear it from me,” Brooks said, turning off the road onto a dirt and gravel one. “We’re here.”
I sat up and looked out the window, taking in all the horse trailers. The area was filled with vehicles with a large coliseum in the distance.
After we parked, Brooks took my hand and led me to one of the trailers. His ears were still red, but he had a massive smile on his face. Knocking, he stepped back, squeezing my hand.
A man rivaling Bubba’s size opened the door, grinning wide as he stepped down and embraced Brooks.
“Langston! You made it.”
“Hey, Chief. Can you put me down? I didn’t drive all the way here for my girlfriend to see me fall flat on my ass.”
“Girlfriend?” he asked, placing Brooks back on his feet. He turned, spotting me as his eyes lit up at my presence. He moved to give me the same type of hug when an arm slapped his chest, halting him.
“Don’t you dare, you big oaf,” a woman said, stepping out of the trailer.
“Brooks, how are you?” she said, stepping in and giving him a hug. “And girlfriend? Why, aren’t you a pretty little thing?” she said, giving me a welcoming smile.
“Hi,” I said, waving.
“I’m Kendra, and this is Dave, though most people call him Chief.” The big man wrapped an arm around Kendra, dwarfing her. He stared down as she spoke, love and adoration shining from his eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both. I’m Darcie.”
“The pleasure is all ours, Darcie. We’re just so happy Brooks has found someone. Lord knows I tried for years. But he was waiting for that special someone.”
She smiled kindly at Brooks, his cheeks heating more. He looked at me, smiling, though, making me feel loved.
“Darcie is as special as they get,” he said, staring at me. This time, it was my cheeks that were blushing.
“Aren’t you two the cutest things?” Kendra cooed. “Come in and have some grub before your ride, Brooks.”
We spent the next hour in their trailer as Chief and Kendra shared stories of Brooks riding. It was nice getting to hear about him from others.
“Can Darcie sit with you, Kendra, during my heat?”
“Of course, darling. I’ll take good care of her.”
The guys left soon after, needing to change and get ready. Kendra gave me a tour of the grounds, pointing out the various events that went on.
“Wow, I never realized there were so many different things.”
“It’s a whole way of life, the rodeo. People here live and breathe it. It’s a family, in a way.”
I felt her eyes on me, and I had an inclination to what she was getting at.
“Brooks is one of the best people I’ve ever met. I’m glad he’s had people like you to look out for him.”
She hummed but dropped it, and I hoped it meant I had passed her inspection.
We grabbed some popcorn and drinks before taking our seats in the stands. A loud horn blared before a gate opened, a horse rushing out as the rider held their arm up, trying to stay on. He didn’t last long, falling to the ground in four seconds.