“I see.” Merrick’s face loses all color. “Alright, if the three of you will follow me. Addison,” he looks at his jittery co-conspirator, “hold all calls or visits.”
“Yes, Sir,” she whispers, ducking her head.
We proceed toward his office, Keaton’s hold around me strong and sure.
And so it begins.
The two lawyers do most of the talking, citing this law or that, arguing, issuing politely concealed threats…while Keaton and I sit silent, just listening.
Mr. Boles apparently knows his stuff, because Merrick has undone his tie and a button, and downed several glasses of water. His hands shake and he stutters through almost everything he tries to say.
A few times Mr. Boles asks me a question, which I answer in a sturdy voice, but Merrick can’t even look at me, let alone ask me anything.
Then, four grueling hours later, Mr. Boles stands and gathers the thick stack of papers, many of which he instructed me to sign.
“Keaton, Ms. Calvert, I’ll get everything filed tomorrow and give you a call with any other questions I have, but I think it’s pretty clear what happened here. It will be taken care of, immediately. Mr. Watson, I’ll get back with you on my planned course of action…when I’m ready to.”
He shakes both mine and Keaton’s hands, leaving the remaining three of us alone.
And the second the door shuts behind him, Merrick’s true colors come bursting out.
“What the hell, Henley? I took care of things for you, gave you time, and this is how you repay me? Calling in your pathetic cavalry to accuse me of things that could end my career?”
I open my mouth, ready to fire back, but this certain bossy man in the room beats me to it.
“Merrick,” Keaton’s icily calm tone is a worse sign than if he was screaming. “I’m gonna say this one time and then we’re done, once and for all. You no longer have anything to do with or say to Henley. You see her out, cross the street. You hear her name, go deaf and keep your mouth shut. Not asking ya, telling ya. You took care of things for you, tricked her, and fucking stole from her! Rooting for her not to make it. She showed your sorry ass though, didn’t she? So don’t even think about trying to make her feel guilty. And her cavalry isn’t too pathetic, we got you strung up by the balls. It’s over, you’re busted. So get ready to start dealing with your consequences. Let’s go, Hen.” He stands, offering me his hand.
That was so sexy. I’m totally taking off his buckle for him later.
But my enjoyment is short-lived. Of course it is…Merrick’s in the room.
Speak of the mood killer, he sneers loudly. “Hen? How the hell did you get involved anyway, Cash? I always knew you had a hard-on for my girlfriend. What, her crazy ass comes back to town and you start hitting that? Were you fucking him when you were with me, Hen? Exactly how long have you been his whore, moving like a puppet when he says so?”
“You son of a—”
“Go wait in the truck, Hen. Now.” Keaton’s bark is deadly intense and should leave absolutely no wiggle room for argument.
But I try anyway…because this is bad. Real bad.
“Henley, I said now. Take my phone.” He shoves it in my hand then traps my eyes, his the color of cold steel. “Wait. In. The. Truck.”
Against all better judgment, I nod and rush out, flying past Addison and to his truck. I try to jump in, fully intending to lock the doors and wait…but he didn’t hand me his keys.
So I wait by the truck, not just real gung-ho to walk back in there and ask for them.