She, however, takes a different approach. An ear-shattering cross between a screeching owl and a petulant three-year-old who needs a nap. She stomps her foot and grabs her hips. “But, I thought, the other night—”
“I’m gonna stop ya right there, Darlin’. You thought what, that I’d actually be interested in someone who not only admitted they were fucking their boss, who’s withsomeone else, but that you actively participate in ripping off a woman who just lost her mother and has never done a damn thing to you in her life?”
He tsks at her and shakes his head. “You’re a despicable person, Addison. I’d rather have my dick stuck in a wood chipper than so much as even sit in the same room with you ever again. Now go tell your boss we’re here and ready. That’s our counsel walking in now.”
I turn around to see an impeccably dressed, very well-kept man, probably in his early fifties strolling toward us.
He sticks out his hand to me, and I shake it. “You must be Henley, very nice to meet you. Heard nothing but great things. I’m David Boles, your attorney.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, and thank you so much for being here, especially on such short notice. Before we go in, can I have a moment, privately?” I nudge my head and he looks at Keaton, who’s eyeing me skeptically, then back to me.
“Of course.”
I lead him off to the side, out of Keaton’s earshot. “I know Mr. Cash has paid my retainer fee for you, but I’d like to take care of that myself, if you’ll just let me know how much it was.”
His laugh is nervous, much like the unnecessary straightening of his tie. “He warned me you’d ask that, and frankly, Ms. Calvert, he said I’d be fired if I answered. So how about we act like this conversation never happened?”
I contain my frustration, for now. It’s not Mr. Boles’ fault. “Alright. I understand. Consider it forgotten.”
His relief is palpable.
We rejoin Keaton, and I avoid his wondering eyes…for his own good. He does not want to get into this with me right now.
Or maybe he does.
“What was that about?” he asks.
“Nothing.” I hitch a shoulder. “I just had a few questions. No big deal.”
“Why couldn’t I hear? Thought we were in this together?”
It takes everything in me not to call him out on his hypocrisy. Threatening my lawyer, he’d be fired if he told me the fee. Paying him behind my back. Hiring him without even telling me.
Together my ass.
And while I’m mad, I’m not livid…he’s just trying to help me. But there’s another crucial issue I’ll not wait another second to address.
“By the way, Darlin’,” my smile’s sickeningly sweet, “since you also call Addison that, you better never say it to me again. Ever. I mean it.”
“What? I didn’t—” He stops, realization moving in a slow wave over his face. “Shit, Hen, I’m sorry. It just slipped out, I didn’t mean it.”
“So am I to believe it just slips out when you say it to me, and you don’t mean it then either?” I question with raised brows and pursed lips.
“No.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I do mean it with you. I’m sorry. I fucked up. How bad is it?” His eyes implore mine for easy forgiveness.
“I realize it’s a common word around here, and I absolutely believe you didn’t mean anything endearing when you said it to her. But now it’s tainted and I don’t ever want to hear it when you’re talking to me again. You promise me that and stick to it, we’re fine.”
“Done. I swear.” His relief pours off him and he gives me a quick kiss.
I grab his shirt to keep him close. “And Keaton? Don’t say it to any other girls ever again either.”
One corner of his mouth curls up and his eyes twinkle. “Yes, ma’am,” he lowers his lips to my ear and husks, “jealous Henny is fucking hot.”
A throat clears loudly and I jolt, but Keaton settles me by wrapping an arm around my waist.
There stands Merrick, attempting to appear superior. “If the two of you would like to come on back…” He turns to head that way.
“Three of us,” Keaton corrects him and Mr. Boles stands from the seat he’d taken in the lobby, walking to our side. “This is David Boles, Attorney and Counsel for Ms. Calvert.”