Page 79 of Unstable

I WAIT IMPATIENTLY, IGNORINGthe curious stares of the few people who walk by. I’ve managed to bite one nail down so far to the quick that it’s bleeding, and yet I continue onto a different nail as I watch Addison come out, carrying a box to her car.

Even with her hands full, she’s still able to flip me off.


I’m not sorry she got fired. Seems a pretty mild consequence for conspiracy to commit fraud. Or harboring the truth of a fugitive. I don’t know what it’d be deemed exactly, but something severe, with a long title and lots of fancy words.

Suddenly, I hear the fast approaching sounds of sirens. Two of them. And I know it’s two because that’s how many cops we have in this town. And I know where they’re headed.


I run as fast as my unsteady legs will carry me back into the office, the threat of vomit looming, thinking of the many possible scenarios I may be about to find.

“Oh my God,” I gasp, shoving both hands in my hair. “Keaton, what have you done?”

“Couldn’t let him talk to you like that, Hen. He’ll be fine, busted up is all, but I’m pretty sure I heard a couple bones break, so I did the decent thing and called for help. I’ll be going to jail. Need you to stay by my phone, I’ll call you. Okay?”

I can only nod, staring at a bloody, beaten Merrick lying on the floor. Moaning in agony. Our town cops push past me and from that point on, everything’s a blur, until I’m once again aware that I’m watching them stuff Merrick in the ambulance that arrived and Keaton in the back of a cop car. Handcuffed.

Moving in numb auto-pilot, I take a chance that didn’t dawn on me until desperation set in and dig under the truck for a hidden key box, luckily finding one since he didn’t think to hand me those. Again. And what with the serene scene and all, silly me forgot to ask.

I check his phone, making sure it’s not on vibrate and the volume’s all the way up, then I do the only thing I can do—I drive home.

And wait some more. For his call. Like he told me to.

Bourbon feels the tension in the air, in me, staying right by my side with big, worried eyes.

It’s hours before his phone finally rings, not even a full one before I answer.


“Yeah baby, it’s me. Finally got my damn phone call. Don’t have long, so stay calm and listen to me carefully, okay?”


“Need you to come post bail for me. Realized a lil’ late that I didn’t give ya my keys, sorry, but I take it you found the one under the truck. Good girl. Now, the key to my house is hidden under the spot where you slapped me that time, remember? And my safe has cash, grab a thousand. It’s in my room, you’ll know behind what when you see it. Code’s the same as my phone, you can guess it. Need you on your game, Henny.”

“Uh huh, okay, I’ll try. Why are you talking in weird clues?”

“Never know who may be listening on this town landline. I had to rotary dial you, for God’s sake. I’m not gonna spell it out for any eavesdroppers how to rob me. You can do this, just think baby. About us. You’ll get it.”

“Do you want me to call Mr. Boles?”

“Nah, I’ll take care of all the aftermath later. Just get me out of here.”

“I will,” I force reassurance into my voice. “Be there soon.”

“That’s my girl. See ya in a bit.”

The call disconnects and I spring into action, racing to his truck and making it to his neighboring ranch in minutes. Then I start deciphering his riddles.

House key—hidden where I slapped him. I can’t recall ever…oh, yes I can!

We were playing hide and seek, me having found a great hiding spot shrunk down behind his mom’s huge Hydrangea bush. But he found me, surprise blitz, and “tagged” me with a kiss on the cheek. So…I slapped him. Probably a bit drastic, yes, but I was young, shocked, and hell-bent on the rivalry I thought we shared.

I use the light on the phone to search beneath the bush, and voila, I find a fake rock with a false bottom. I slide it open and grab the key.

On to clue number two.