Chloe lifts me slightly away from her so she can look into my eyes.
“Well,” she says. “I should hope so. What do you want? Noah to be one of those forty-year-old guys who sits around with a remote in one hand, a beer in the other, and Cheeto dust down his shirt while he mooches off you the rest of his life?”
I laugh, but all this crying has my nose messed up, so I snort. And not a little. The pig-like, snuffling wheek trumpeting through my nostrils sends both of us into a fit of laughter.
When we finally catch our breath, Chloe looks at me with a sincereexpression.
“I know it’s scary, babe. People die. They disappoint us. They leave. But this time, it’s not about people. And it’s not about your past. And it’s for sure as heck not about Brad.
“This is you and Kai. That’s it. It’s just that simple. And that man has shown no signs of being a flight risk. He’s here every time I turn around. So you need to do both of you a favor and consider him—without letting all the other men in your life weigh in on your decision.”
Chloe’s right. I know she is.
“Anytime. Ride or die, girl. I’m yours. You’re mine. No givebacks or tradesies.”
We finish our tea and I head out to relieve Jasmin at the inn. My heart feels lighter somehow, even though I don’t have a clue as to what I’m going to do about Kai.
Phyllis is in the lobby when I enter.
“There you are.” She smiles broadly, opening her arms for a welcoming hug. When I step closer, she says, “Oh. Have you been crying?”
My fingertips move up to my face and gently brush under my eyes.
“I was at Chloe’s. We had a heart to heart.”
“Are you alright?”
“I am. Really. Possibly better than ever.”
“Good.” Aunt Phyllis smiles. “Let me get us a snack.”
“Are you here for anything in particular?” I ask my aunt.
“No, dear. I’m just here for you.”
I allow myself to collapse into her comfort when she pulls me into a hug.
I relieve Jasmin while Aunt Phyllis retreats to the kitchen.
The door to the inn opens behind me. When I turn, Brad is standing behind me.
“Is now a good time?” Brad steps into the main room. “You’re not going to make me chase you around the inn, are you?”
He smiles warmly, but I still feel a pang of guilt.
“Of course. Now works. I’m so sorry about earlier. It’s kind of … well, there’s no excuse. That was a bit over-the-top.”
“It’s okay, Mila. Knowing what I do now, I understand.”
“Knowing what you …?”
“That you and Kai were never actually dating.” He crosses his arms, but not in an angry way.
This is Brad, challenging me to say anything except the truth. And I can’t. I have to tell him.
“You faked that whole relationship,” he says it matter-of-factly.