“Yeah.” I nod.
I can’t look at him at first. But then I do.
He strides nearer until only a few feet separate us.
I don’t ask how he heard my relationship was fake. I’m guessing Aima leaked the news once she heard. She’s got her reasons. If I were her, I wouldn’t have told anyone, but she seems far too interested in Kai to walk away without some attempt to sabotage what she thinks is going on between the two of us. Maybe it wasn’t her, but the timing and motives seem too uncanny for it to have been anyone else.
Brad’s face softens. “Were you that worried about your feelings for me that you had to bring in a buffer?”
How do I answer that? It’s slightly presumptuous. But in another lifetime, that would have been a valid question. As it is, I’m torn. If I tell Brad our charade had nothing to do with my feelings for him, I’ll insult him. If I tell him I wanted a buffer fromhisfeelings, I’m assuming something he could easily deny.
I opt for complete silence.
“I’m not going to push myself on you, Mila. But I’ll be honest. I’m interested in you. I never stopped loving you. I know I did a crap job of acting as if I loved you. I’ll never forgive myself for leaving you like I did. But I’m not that man anymore. I think you can see that now.”
I blink slowly. I can feel the weight of my eyelids shutting and reopening. My ex-husband is standing here telling me he’sinterested in me—that he still loves me. Oh, there were years I would have given money—even sold the inn—to hear those words from him. But that season is so long gone, it almost feels like a figment of my imagination.
Brad continues speaking into my prolonged silence. “Think of what it would be like. We could have all we dreamed of, Mila. This time, with Noah. And I’m not rushing you. We can take our time—as long as you need. I don’t care if it takes the next seven years for you to trust me again—or longer.”
I start to speak and Brad gently raises his hand, indicating he’s not finished. “Give this some thought. You don’t have to answer me today. Noah could have his family back. And we could have all the things we said we wanted together. I know I hurt you, Mila. I didn’t falsify my reasons for coming back. I’m here to get to know my son. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say I had hoped you might forgive me and give us a second chance.”
“That’s why,” I finally say.
“Why what?”
“That’s why Kai and I pretended we were in a relationship.”
“He said it, not you, if you’ll recall. You just went along. You’re too kind and generous to turn down a friend when you believe they have your best interest in heart. But does he really? Or did Kai use fake dating as a way to get closer to you?”
“No, Brad. Kai isn’t like that.”
“You’re not a man, Mila. No offense. Men see through one another. Kai has ulterior motives. And why shouldn’t he? You’re amazing. One of the best women on earth. He was taking his shot in a roundabout way.”
Brad’s compliments do nothing for me. Nothing. I’m not mad. I’m not flattered. I’m like a blank manilla folder, empty and void of anything significant.
“Brad,” I see the hope rise in his expression when I say his name, and I wish I had a brake pedal to stop him from careening into his dream with me. “I can’t make you that promise—that I’ll consider a future for us. We had a beautiful marriage—wide openwith possibility, shared dreams, genuine love. That was another life for me. I’m not that girl anymore. And I don’t know if I would ever want to be her again. I’ve forgiven you. I really have. But I’m not in love with you anymore.”
The words feel like a key, unlocking that deep down place. Something soft and fragile takes wings within me.
Brad’s face falls. But, he rallies, proving the man I always knew is still alive and well inside him.
“We could … give it time? I think you could love me again.”
“No, Brad. I’m not going to lead you on. You’re welcome to re-enter Noah’s life. And, because of him, our lives will always be intertwined. But I don’t want you to wait for me. I’m not coming back.”
Brad opens his mouth as if he’s going to say something.
But then, Aunt Phyllis walks out. I had honestly forgotten she was here.
She steps up next to me, and faces Brad.
“You made your case. A good man knows when to walk away.” Phyllis stares at Brad.
“Okay, then.” His lips draw into a thin line and then he blows out a breath. “I’ll just let myself out.”
“Thank you,” I say, not quite sure what I’m thanking him for.
I’m just so relieved we got everything out in the open. And I told Brad the truth.