Page 47 of Kept in the Dark

Trey didn’t care. He hated David more.

David quickly downed the amber liquid and grimaced, coughing forcefully as he did. Trey studied the man who once stood over him, telling him he’d be nothing in life. Who convinced him he could never give Hailey the life she deserved.

Now he looked tired and frail, something Trey hadn’t been expecting. He was shocked this was the same man who had intimidated him all those years ago.

It had been two weeks before all hell broke loose that summer. David had found Trey at work, loading horse feed onto a truck at the local feed store. Trey had been working overtime for months, finally earning enough to buy Hailey a ring. Trey had been nervous and wanted to impress the man who would be his future father-in-law.

Mustering up his courage, Trey had marched over to David and extended his hand. He had wanted David’s respect. But David had simply stared at Trey’s hand. Without missing a beat, David had said, “Do you love my daughter?”

“More than anything in the world, sir.”


“Sir, I would die for your daughter. I want to give her the world and more. She deserves nothing less.”

David had laughed then, catching Trey off guard. “You can’t even afford to feed yourself, boy, let alone provide for her. You’re right, she deserves nothing less than the world and you will never be able to give that to her.”

“Sir, I-”

David didn’t let him speak. “If you love my daughter as much as you say you do, then you won’t stand in her way of finishing school and making a life for herself. You won’t stand in the way of her living a happy life with a man who can provide for her and take care of her in a way she deserves. A man who truly loves a woman will do what’s best for her, not what’s convenient for himself.”

David had been right. Trey would never be the man who could give her the world. So, he had broken things off. And it had been the biggest mistake he’d ever made.

Trey found David’s last words quite ironic now. The hypocrisy was laughable.

As David lifted the empty glass, Trey saw the worry etched on his aging face. Though, Trey wasn’t sure if he was more worried about Nicole’s safety or about his secrets coming to light.

Realizing his lies wouldn’t help him, David sighed. “If you know Ryan is my son, then you’re not bluffing about the affair. So, yes, it's true. Except I stopped seeing her after Morgan died. Now what do you mean she’s missing?”

Trey wasn’t sure he believed that last part, but he wouldn’t call him on it. “We went by for a wellness check and found her door open. There appears to have been a struggle and we can’t locate her. So, what do you know about it?”

David poured another glass and swirled the liquid. “I don’t know anything about it. I haven't talked to her in years.”

Trey was irritated. Nicole was missing and he was running out of time to find her alive, if she was alive. And since David wanted to waste time by lying, he was also risking Nicole’s life.

“Cut the shit, David. First your wife is murdered and then your mistress ends up missing thirteen years later? That doesn't seem a little odd to you?” Trey tilted his head. “And let’s not forget we both know you’re capable of hurting the women you claim to love. I seem to recall quite a few bruises on Hailey and Sara back in the day. They say murder isn’t a far jump from abuse.”

David chuckled. “And what man sees bruises on his woman and does nothing about it? You couldn’t even keep her safe from Ryan.”

Trey’s stomach knotted, knowing that something sinister had happened to Hailey. Rage erupted within Trey as David taunted him with his own daughter’s pain. Trey clenched his jaw and glared at the old man.

David continued, “Morgan’s killer was already convicted, so I don’t know why you think it’s odd. Unless you think Sara killed Nicole too.”

Trey was done letting David jerk him around. Trey was determined to get to the truth.

“Well, new evidence shows she didn’t. Now I’m going to revisit your deceased wife’s case and investigate your missing mistress.” Trey smiled, trying once again to get under the man’s skin. “And all your dirty little secrets are about to come out for the world to see.”

David stood and leaned over his desk, placing his hands on either side of the wooden box. “Don’t threaten me, Harbor. I promise, you will regret it.”

Trey stepped to the desk and mirrored David. “I’m not a scared little kid anymore. It looks like you’re losing all the control you’ve spent years building, and I can’t wait to watch you go up in flames.”

Fear flashed behind his eyes, then fury. David smiled. “And it looks like you can speak to my lawyer.”

“I look forward to it,” Trey said as he walked out the door.

Trey wasn’t sure if David was involved directly, but he was definitely hiding something.

Luckily for Trey, there was someone who hated David more than Trey did, and Trey guessed he would be more than happy to spill all he knew.