Lauren nodded slowly. “I wasn’t around your family much before your mother died, aside from work engagements, so I don’t know how much help I can be.” Lauren frowned. “I assume you’ve been in contact with your sister since all this has come about?”
“Yes, she’s staying with an old friend.”
Lauren searched Hailey’s eyes. “I don’t know you or your sister very well, but I can tell this is important to you.”
Hailey nodded. “I need to make sure the real murderer is brought to justice. He ripped my family apart and he deserves to pay for that.”
Lauren took Hailey’s hand. “Then I’ll help however I can, but your father isn’t going to like this. He believes Sara is guilty and so did a judge and the D.A. Trying to prove her innocence may be next to impossible.”
“I know, but it’s the right thing to do.”
“Well, I suppose that settles it then. And once your father gets home, I’ll have him come find you. He owes you an apology for his outburst at dinner.” Lauren rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Hailey wondered how an angel like Lauren could fall in love with a snake like David.
Love is blind, she supposed.
Hailey thought about what Lauren said as she drove back to Genevieve’s house. Lauren was right, it would be nearly impossible to get the D.A. to reopen the case, let alone get a second conviction. Part of her wanted to let it go, to forget the past, but another part of her told her to fight.
So, fight she would.
Trey waited outside David Gallagher’s office. Once the secretary was off the phone, she ushered him inside the room. David sat at his wooden desk; paperwork strewn in front of him. His suit jacket hung on the back of his chair and the sleeves of his button down were rolled.
Not surprisingly, his office had very little personal effects. There was a single picture of him and Lauren on the shelf behind him and a few other photos of David shaking hands with what Trey assumed were important politicians.
No photos of Hailey or Sara or his late wife.
Not even Trinity’s beautiful face graced the room, something that irked Trey to his core.
Was it because David had no relationship with the teen or was it because she was Trey’s daughter? Though Trinity likely didn't know she was like a ghost to this man, Trey’s instinct to protect her nearly overtook him. He wanted to tell David how special his granddaughter was and how much he was missing out on because he was a narcissistic bastard.
He inwardly huffed. Trinity was better off without this monster in her life. Something he and Hailey would actually agree upon.
David eyed him suspiciously. He didn’t bother hiding his hatred for Trey. “What do you want, Trey?”
Trey didn’t bother with pleasantries either. “Do you know where Nicole House is?”
David furrowed his brow as he shook his head. “What?”
“Nicole House. Have you seen her?”
He shrugged and looked back down at the paperwork that lay on his desk. “I don’t know who that is.”
Trey was in no mood to be jerked around. A woman was missing, and David had a history with her. “Don’t lie to me. You spent years sleeping with her until she got pregnant and then you had to cut ties to save your marriage.” Trey smiled. “Well, let’s be honest: you weren’t saving your marriage as much as you were saving your own ass. Except, I don’t think you actually stopped seeing her. If I had to guess, you’re probably still seeing her. And now she’s missing."
David clenched his jaw. “Who told you that? And what do you mean she’s missing?”
“So, it’s true?”
“I never said that.”
“You didn’t have to. I have proof of the affair and the baby who was a result of it.”
David narrowed his eyes at Trey, but Trey wouldn’t be intimidated. He stepped closer. “Ryan, right?”
David clenched his jaw. Then he opened up the bottom drawer and pulled out a single glass and a bottle of aged bourbon.
That was David’s sophisticated way of telling Trey to screw off. Men like David displayed their allegiance by sharing a shot of expensive alcohol together. Except this wasn’t a social call and he wasn’t drinking to celebrate or seal a deal. He was drinking because he was nervous. And he was drinking alone because he hated Trey.