With that, Trey knew he needed to hunt down Ryan House.
June 27, 2011
6:08 pm
Hailey stood on the porch with Trinity, fidgeting with her hair as they waited for Trey to open the door.
“Mom, chill. Dinner is going to be fine,” Trinity said. “I’m the one that should be nervous. You already know the guy.”
Hailey gave a half smile. “You’re right.”
Trey opened the door, interrupting their conversation. He beamed at the sight of Trinity and stood to the side, motioning them into the house. “The pizza is almost here.”
“Pizza? Here I thought we’d get a home cooked meal,” Hailey quipped.
Trey smiled slyly. “I only cook for the girls I’m dating.”
“Ew,” the teen said. “Can you not flirt in front of me?”
Hailey slightly blushed and made her way to the couch as Trinity followed. Trey sat in his recliner, giving the two their space.
Hailey subtly eyed Trey. He still wore his t-shirt and jeans from earlier but had traded his boots for plain white socks. She felt like an idiot for wearing a dress. He clearly didn’t see this dinner as a big deal like she did. He probably wasn’t even thinking about his clothes, meanwhile Hailey's emotions got the better of her and she put on a stupid dress wanting to impress him.
She was annoyed with herself for even feeling the need to impress him. There were much bigger issues at hand than her love life.
She then studied the living room. His home was surprisingly cozy and well-kempt. Hailey expected it to be a disaster since he was a bachelor.
Hailey could make out the faint scent of Jasmine, which surprised her. She eyed the coffee table and found the source of the smell, smiling to herself. She didn't peg Trey as being a man who would have candles in his home.
Trinity started to wander around the room to look at photos that hung on the walls. Hailey continued to twirl her hair, not making eye contact with Trey.
Finally, he spoke up. “So uhm… I know this is kind of weird for all of us, but I’m really happy you're both here.”
Trinity smiled. “Me, too. I’ve always wanted to know who my father is.”
Hailey stiffened slightly as Trey locked eyes with her. But instead of hatred or anger, she saw sympathy. Thankfully, they were interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Ooh! Pizza!” Trinity ran to the door and swung it open as Trey followed her. The woman carrying the boxes handed them to Trinity and then accepted the cash Trey offered her. Trinity put them on the counter in the kitchen and immediately helped herself.
“Trinity,” Hailey scolded.
Trinity looked at Hailey, wide eyed, a piece of pizza halfway in her mouth. Trey stood behind her doing the same and Hailey couldn't help but laugh.
“What?” Trinity said through a mouthful.
“Don’t help yourself without asking; it’s rude.”
Trey finished his bite of pizza and said, “No, it’s fine. This is her house now, too.”
Hailey’s stomach plummeted. Was that his way of telling her that he was going to ask for custody?
Hailey suddenly felt lightheaded. She quickly went back to the living room and sat on the couch.
“Where’s the bathroom?” Trinity asked Trey.
“It’s down the hall, first door on the left.”
Hailey heard Trinity’s footsteps pitter across the floor followed by the thump of a door closing.