Beasley nodded. “Good evening.” Only someone who knew the man well would have caught the disapproving look and tone. Because it was directed toward Sebastian, and not Parker, he let it go. It was a simple fact that not everyone was going to approve of his decision.
“We ate at the office so no need for you to stay up.” He started toward the staircase. “Oh, is the tailor coming tomorrow?”
“At eleven o’clock, yes.”
“Excellent. Parker is going to need a full wardrobe.”
“As I informed Mr. Morelli, sir. He’ll have some ready-made items for quick tailoring.”
“That’s good because you’re going to need something to wear on Sunday to my parents’ weekly brunch.” This last bit he directed toward the boy. He was a cognizant human being, after all, not furniture.
Because Parker walked next to him, he couldn’t see much of his expression. “Yes, Master. I, um, hadn’t realized I’d be meeting your family.”
Sebastian moved to hold hands. “Oh, dear boy, I intend to take you just about everywhere. How could I not want you by my side?” Despite what he’d said to Milo, now that he had the boy, Sebastian wanted to keep him close as much as possible.
He knew his words confused Parker. Although the agency hadn’t given much information on how they coached their clients about their duties, he imagined most people thought that a sex slave would be kept chained to the bedpost, perhaps quite literally. The idea had merit and one that increased his already erect cock to even greater hardness. But he found he liked having the boy with him. It was…soothing and arousing in a way that confounded him. Maybe once he’d truly plowed that sweet ass, the effect would lessen. Until then…
He quickened his pace as he led Parker into his private sitting room, then into his bedroom. “You’ll sleep with me, always. And I want you naked here at all times so long as we’re alone.”
Parker stood taking in his surroundings. “Yes, Master.”
Sebastian swung him around to cup his jaw. He rubbed his thumb along the boy’s soft, pink lips, calling up memories of how they’d wrapped around his cock only hours ago. “You know I expect more out of you than your mouth.”
“Yes, Master.” Parker’s gaze was cast downward but his breath quickened. Whether it was from fear or desire, it was hard to tell.
“I’ll treat you well, Parker. But I also have certain…proclivities that you might not like. You’ll submit all the same because that’s what you promised. And who knows, you might enjoy them, too.”
The boy merely nodded.
“Good. Shower first.”
Sebastian emptied his pockets before leading the boy into the bathroom. The long Jacuzzi tub was appealing but he was too aroused for something languid. The shower was the best option for the moment.
“Strip.” As he issued the order, he started taking off his own clothing, dumping it in the hamper. He knew a moment of discomfort as he pushed his pants and underwear past his hard cock. The slight friction was nearly enough to set him off. He gritted his teeth to stay under control.
Parker was slower to disrobe, although quicker than he’d been at the office. He was already getting used to the nudity, which was all to the good. It meant the boy learned fast and wasn’t repulsed by the idea of being with him. Sebastian had assumed Parker had thought it through when he’d agreed to a purchase by anyone, but desperation could have made him imprudent in his promises.
When Parker went to put his own clothing in the hamper, Sebastian stopped him. He took the bundle of clothing and tossed them in the wastebasket. He did the same with the boy’s loafers for good measure. “You won’t need these anymore. I’ll dress you in much better, and obviously you can keep whatever I give you.”
“Yes, Master. Thank you.”
Sebastian could only stare at the boy for a few seconds, marveling at how well he was adapting to his new role. A natural submissive. Pleased with the knowledge, he went to start the shower. When the temperature was to his liking, he crooked a finger. “In we go.”
There was plenty of room for the two of them. That had been by design, as was the built-in seat at the far end. He could sit there and receive a blow job under the warm spray. But not now. He didn’t want a repeat of the earlier experience of coming quickly inside the boy’s mouth. He needed to take the edge off, of course, but he would take the more pragmatic approach.
The moment that they both stood under the cascading water, he pulled Parker close by the waist and placed his hand against his erection. The boy didn’t need to be told what to do. He wrapped his fingers around the shaft, tightening his grip when Sebastian pressed them. Then the boy started jerking with endearing clumsiness in time to Sebastian’s fucking into the fist. It didn’t take long to make him come. This time, he let out a loud cry of pleasure and dropped his chin on the top of Parker’s head. The boy was really the perfect height for him. He liked how much his physical size dominated his slave’s body.
Once the tremors had stopped, he snaked his hand between them to feel Parker’s dick. The shaft was a little plump but not hard. Good. The boy was proving to be clay that he could mold, exactly how he’d hoped it would be. He could control his slave’s arousals and thereby make it all the better when he finally allowed him release.
Because the mere thought of how he would fulfill his fantasies of being a dominant was making his dick try to harden again, he let go of Parker and stood him away a bit. He pumped some shampoo into his hands to wash the boy’s hair. It was silky and almost as long as he’d like to see it. He wouldn’t permit any hair cut until it formed into a nice tail. Next he worked in some conditioner, then lathered up some body wash. He made quick work of cleaning the boy’s less interesting parts. But when it was time to tackle his ass, he leaned Parker over one arm to gain better access. He slid a soapy finger down the crack of his slave’s cheeks to circle it around the puckered ring. It resisted him as he inserted one finger, demonstrating once more how the boy was a virgin in all meanings of the word.
Sebastian pushed into the tight channel only up to the second knuckle. His goal was to cleanse more than explore. There would be plenty of time for that later. Still, the boy trembled a little at the invasion and his breath quickened noticeably. Sebastian pulled out and rinsed the boy down.
He pushed Parker to the sliding door with a smack on his ass. “Dry off, use the blue toothbrush Beasley laid out for you, turn down the bed and lie on your back.”
Sebastian didn’t bother to watch. He was sure the boy was obeying and he didn’t need the extra pressure on himself to stay under control. Yes, he was hard again and while he wasn’t worried about his ability to orgasm multiple times in one night, he liked the edge it gave him, too, in waiting.
He didn’t dally in his ablutions, however, and made quick work of drying off. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and returned to the bedroom. Parker was waiting for him as commanded, lying face up like a sacrificial virgin. He’d also put a towel under his head to absorb the wetness from his own hair, a considerate gesture that left Sebastian surprisingly touched. Parker had been raised well, apparently. It was surprising that he’d somehow gotten into so much debt so early. It must have been his parents who were in trouble? If that were true, they must be very selfish to settle their problems with their son’s body. How had they also managed to give their son a degree of politeness?