Page 5 of Bound to Him

The door opened with its usual alacrity when he summoned his assistant. “Yes, sir?”

“Take him out with you.” Sebastian gestured toward Parker.

“With me, sir?” Enrico looked baffled for the first time since he’d been hired.

“Yes. Settle him somewhere. I have work to do.”

“Yes, sir.”

Parker, having ears and a brain, didn’t have to be told anything. He stood and started to put the tablet back on the table.

“Take that with you.” Sebastian hadn’t intended to speak sharply, but he did. That languid feeling from having an orgasm was being replaced with a nameless irritation.

Parker snapped it back and held it under his arm as he followed Enrico out.

All Sebastian could think as he watched the boy leave was how much he was looking forward to breaching that delectable ass.

“Oh, for God’s sake, get a grip on yourself. This is supposed to be making your life simpler, not more complicated.” With a grimace, he refocused on his work and put thoughts of his new slave aside.

* * * *

“Would you like something to drink?”

Parker looked up from where he was sitting by a window, his face buried in the tablet. “Um, no thanks.” The assistant’s offer surprised him. The guy had looked down his nose from the moment they’d met and clearly resented being put in the role of a babysitter for his boss’ new sex toy.

“Okay. Well, if you change your mind, just ask.” Enrico turned back to his computer and started typing. “He’s a good boss, by the way. Fair and generous, even if he’s a little brusque.” He typed some more. “Of course, I haven’t had the benefit of the kind of interaction you’re going to have…” The guy shrugged.

Parker put his tablet down on his lap. He’d been devouring any information he could find on his new master, including that which appeared on gossip sites. The man had had a string of boyfriends without coming close to an engagement or other more permanent commitment. Not that he could see at any rate. It made sense. Who but someone uninterested in a long-term relationship would buy a sex slave? Still, it was nice to hear that the man didn’t prey on his subordinates.

“He goes out a lot with Hollywood stars and athletes.” It was kind of an inane comment but he sensed an opening here to learn about the man who now had total control over him.

Enrico swiveled in his chair to face Parker, not even pretending to work. “Sebastian Endicott can have any man on the planet he wants. I could have sworn some of his exes were straight.” He tossed his hands up. “Who can resist that much wealth and gorgeousness? But he’s too busy to give them much of his time and everyone seems to be looking for more. And they all believe they’ll be the exception and bag him for good.”

Parker licked his lips, swearing he could still taste the man. His first blow job had been easier than he’d expected, although he supposed next time he’d have to do more work. The idea of it didn’t bother him, though. His attraction to men had been real, that much was clear. And he had no doubt that tonight, he’d learn what it was like to be truly fucked by one. It would probably hurt to some degree, but he could handle that. It was the intimacy of the act that weighed on his mind. How could a man do something like that to someone who was his slave? Didn’t emotion come into play? Probably not. Powerful men had been sticking their dicks into unwilling people since the dawn of humanity. It didn’t seem to give them any pause.

And it wasn’t as if he’d be an unwilling partner. If sex had scared him that much, he wouldn’t have put himself in the sex slave category. There were other things he could have indentured himself to do, although they didn’t pay as well. Men in particular were always willing to spend their last dollar for sex. It was that strong a drive. He wasn’t immune to the need, either. His cock twitched at the idea the more he thought about it. He’d been so nervous before that it had remained limp. Now, it was starting to swell. He mashed the tablet into his crotch to keep his cock in check.

“He won’t have that problem with me. I know my place.”

“Yeah, you signed a contract and everything. If nothing else, it keeps things simple. Sometimes I wish I had one with the assholes I’ve been hooking up with lately. They don’t seem to understand that I’m the personal assistant for one of the busiest people on the planet. When the boss works, I work. Even if it’s Friday night.”

The intercom buzzed before Parker could think of a reply.

Enrico picked up the phone. “Yes, sir?” He nodded once. “I’ll order right now.” Hanging up, he turned to Parker once more. “The boss said he needs a few hours more and to order dinner. Thai. What would you like?”

Parker blinked in surprise. “You’re ordering for me too?”

Enrico rolled his eyes. “I’m willing to bet feeding you is in that contract. Besides, he said to get something for all of us. So, what do you want?”

“Chicken pad Thai, I suppose.”

“I could have guessed that.” Enrico picked up his phone again to place the order.

Parker wasn’t sure that comment was meant to be an insult, but it hardly mattered. In the world of a debt slave, everyone else was far above him. Slumping in his chair, he went back to mindless surfing. If he was lucky, it would take his mind off what was to come that night.

* * * *

“Ah, Beasley. You’re here.” Sebastian wasn’t actually surprised to see his majordomo greet them at the door. The man always accommodated his schedule even though Sebastian was pretty sure he had a paramour of some kind. He ushered his new acquisition in by pressing the small of his back. He hadn’t dared touch the boy any more than that on the ride home, worried that his self-control might snap. “This is Parker.”